Lovecraft-esque blob found in North Carolina sewer

they also had some giant organic blob of goo floating near the USA/Canada coast, no? they couldn't identify it, but it was organic for sure. very Lovecraftian.

maybe Cthulhu made a wet fart.
The internet, while citing various 'experts' on the topic, goes with either a colony of tubifex worms or a colony of bryozoans. Neither of these seem very convincing to me, and there isn't really any other image material, but it might just be a rare occurrence. Or, which makes up a third group of internet 'specialists', it's just a hoax.

If it's fake, it's a good one though.
just as a question is this some kind of "randoom" video or are there any sources present in which at least some tried to find out what it is.

It seems unlikely to me that you have in the sewers some not known specieces without anyone at least trying to identify and classify it when its already known on the internet even. Which I dont say it might not be true. But a lot of either wanabe scientists or finished students in biology would try to find out what it is and give it some name no ?

That's creepy and it's moving. Looks like an egg or some sort.

But I don't like the stereotypical "It's an Alien!!" crap. I found that Americans usually use this phrase.

Wonder if it's fake...
Public said:
Wonder if it's fake...
the thing is that even google doesnt give any realy valuable information about it back all you get is "Unknown Creature Growing in North Carolina sewer" and a link to that video. But why nowhere even any article that would be remotely "scientific" in its origin.
like someone posted before, it's most likely a colony of tubifex worms. they live in water, and if the water is drained, they pull themselves together and look more like a ball like in the video. some theories also say that the heat from the light on the camera might be the reason they pull together.
aenemic said:
like someone posted before, it's most likely a colony of tubifex worms.

most likely? it is tubifex worms. authorities here have been saying "dudes, stfu." for weeks now.

"Thanks for the video – I had not see it before. No, these are not bryozoans! They are clumps of annelid worms, almost certainly tubificids (Naididae, probably genus Tubifex). Normally these occur in soil and sediment, especially at the bottom and edges of polluted streams. In the photo they have apparently entered a pipeline somehow, and in the absence of soil they are coiling around each other. The contractions you see are the result of a single worm contracting and then stimulating all the others to do the same almost simultaneously, so it looks like a single big muscle contracting. Interesting video."
TwinkieStabllis said:
annelid worms


Well...If these are tubifex worms then it fuckin sucks...
I really wanted it to be a creepy and disgusting new species that would take over the planet. The humanity would have to fight for its survival and I wouldn't have to find a job... :|
If tubifex worms don't scare you enough I could put some in your bed. At night! WITH YOU IN IT AHAHAAHAahhaha
Just the color and the shape are repulsive...then it pulsed with movement. Totally awesome.

Just goes to show you how unnaturally created environments (such as a sewer system) can give rise to unnatural colonies of otherwise normal flora and fauna.
Looks fake. It's either someone was bored and decided to create this video or its one of them "non-advertisements" advertisements for an upcoming film.

EDIT: Oh it be worms. I should read all the posts before instead of just skimming. But I can definitely see some horror b-movie having creatures like that.