Search results

  1. G

    Good hard sci fi

    I highly remoned "Armor" by John Stakely. Very action packed. It's a little complicated but essentially it is about a guy who gets stuck in a long war between humanity and an alien race, and how he consistently survives horrific battles despite/ because of being completely fatalistic. I...
  2. G

    Your favorite childhood video game.

    on the originalNintendo... Dragon Warrior 1 through 4 And on the arcade I loved Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and the Simpsons.
  3. G

    My account of the universe.

    I do not see how you could debate it Elric, just take it for what it is..... I don't know... what is it?.... :? Pretty fucking funny.... though I do not know how I feel about spending all that time reading it.... was it a waste or not???..... :| Oh well..... now where did all those hot...
  4. G

    Who's your perfect buddy?

    Cassidy... for all the reasons already mentioned plus the fact that he was based on a great character of the same name from the comic 'Preacher'.
  5. G

    Burned out on Fallout?

    I would just like to point out that it is entirely possible to get a good ending for the Necropolis in FO1.... the trick is to only visit it once and complete all the necessary quests in one go without ever going back there. If you never go back to Necropolis the Mutant army never gets there...
  6. G

    Torment and Arcanum

    I really loved Torment. The whole thing was just beautiful and left me with a feeling of immense satisfaction and well being after I beat the game, for the sheer fact that I played it. Arcanum was a good game with an incredibly original concept and and interesting background setting but it...
  7. G

    looking for historical facts about nuclear technology

    The whole thing is a part of a larger presentation... somewhere between 10 and 15 pages total, this is just my part of the project. I am well aware that the whole thing could well be a 50 pg. dissertation analyzing human attitudes and the historical events influencing them... but that is not...
  8. G

    looking for historical facts about nuclear technology

    Well, I need some help..... I am writing a paper about the social status, in the US and across the world, of nuclear technology since its development in WWII. The idea is that I would like to document the view of nuclear technology in modern society from the notions of it being a super...
  9. G

    The BEST Fallout 3 Random Encounter Ever.

    I really like Ashmo's idea. :lol: "Real-time sucks and is not strategic at all!" I actually hope that overall there will be less easter eggs in #3 then there were in #2. I think that the easter eggs in number one were the coolest because they were so rare. There were just too many in...
  10. G

    global warming - worse than we think?

    global dimming I also recently read an article that talked about how global warming could be getting masked. The idea is that while we produce a huge amount of greenhouse gasses, we also release a huge amount of light absorbing compounds and particulate material into the atmosphere which block...
  11. G

    History of NMA

    I dunno.... I always admit the possibility that I am wrong...or crazy...but not lying, I have no earthly reason to lie However Shadowman was the one who initially created an account here at NMA for me. He is the one who gave me the handle of Gonzo13 since that is the e-mail address I used at...
  12. G

    Spiderman vs. The Sandman????

    In my opinion Venom is likely to at least make an appearance in #3. This is because even though venom may not be the longest running villain in the Spiderman comics, he is probably the most widely known bey people who are only familiar with the comic books in passing. He has all the right...
  13. G

    Sin City - movie

    Are you serious?!! Where exactly do you get off calling me names? I didn't insult you, and my opinion of the movie was meant to be over the top, half sarcastic, and delivered in good humor.... I thought the last line was obvious enough, but I guess you have to have an IQ ranging above your...
  14. G

    Sin City - movie

    I am afraid it is going to be yet another one-dimensional shit-fest from Hollywood. A bunch of big name stars outrageously overpaid to be in a movie with little discernible plot, crappy dialogues, and no discernible character development. Just a lot of pretty graphics, one dimensional "bad...
  15. G

    The BEST Fallout 3 Random Encounter Ever.

    sorry, I like the idea of this thread, but I do not like your idea in particular. It is a little too self serving in terms of us as a community, and sort of a kiss-up to Rosh. I would like to see a reference to FO1 or 2.... Like finding the ruins of Broken Hills, or a large tree that...
  16. G

    Shiavo case

    After I read 4too's post I too was going to simply say that I agree, but reading further I see that would be berated. Given the flaming that Elric received I would like to put forth that sometimes simple ascent to an opinion is all that is warranted. I could tell you that I study...
  17. G

    In case Fallout 3 Flops

    looks promising....maybe They do have an impressive list of past projects. While nothing they have done so far seems ground breaking in my own opinion, at the same time there are no obvious black marks either.
  18. G

    History of NMA

    Man, Big T, You so plugged Jebus right up!! :shock: EDIT: ....but seriously, everyone, please continue with the stories.
  19. G

    History of NMA

    Nope I know what I am talking about. This was like seven or eight years ago I am talking about. was the site DAC moved to after they got in the fight with RPGPlanet and the Gamespy network which hosted them, something like three or four years ago. was the...