In case Fallout 3 Flops


First time out of the vault

They don't give much information about it, but it resembles fallout a lot. 1c has a huge number of popular games so i wouldnt think this game would be that bad. I am definately going to try it, even if Fallout 3 proves to be a good game. This one is obviously going to come out first though, so i will probably try it.

You guys think it has potential?
It promises a lot, but promises are just promises. Perhaps it's interesting to keep an eye on it.

Anyway, this is in completely the wrong forum. Moving it to General Gaming.
well, all the things listed in the FEATUES part sounds exactly like fallout 1 and 2. then theres + new technology. the screenshots look exactly like the 3d shaded world of the van buren screens.

i wouldnt take 1c so lightly. if you look at the list of products they have its amazing how many of those games hit big. I personally have never heard of 1c, apparently they make the games and developers like activision and interplay produce(?) them.

Ive changed my status to: looking forward to it.

yeah sorry about the wrong forum, i just wanted to hear other fallout players' opinions.
The graphics definitely don't look 3d, which isn't that big of a deal. The "shadows" are probally just transparent sprites.

The biggest gripe I have with it is the real time combat mode. I dislike real time combat in all its incarnations, whether it be strategy game, tactical combat game, or RPG. This issue has been discussed ad naeusum, so it's really pointless to go into.

Also, the title "Dungeon Cleaners" suggests to me that there's going to be a mind numbing amount of pointless combat.
I hate RT too, but I think I'll give it a chance, since I crave futuristic RPGs with isometric view.
3 screen shots and a few paragraphs doesn't say much, and that name is really lame, makes it sound like a dungeon crawl. Is it really RPG, doubt it, everyone wants to use those 3 letters these days.
wow i didnt even notice the real time combat mention. I must have saw "mode" and figured there was turn based too (maybe there is). the real time in fallout tactics was just stupid, I tried it once then never used it again.

all of their games have stupid names. They are all translated from these russian coders.

and that is very obviously 3d, might not be drawn in game, but the shadows and everything on the map are redered in 3d. the player shadows are probably just sprites yes.
It looks almost like a Tactics mod to me.

They did Pirates of the Caribbean for Bethesda though, so they might have some decent stuff coming out, eh?
looks promising....maybe

They do have an impressive list of past projects. While nothing they have done so far seems ground breaking in my own opinion, at the same time there are no obvious black marks either.
at the first time when i saw name of this game , i thought it is some cheap-made adventure game(or game like might and magic) from russia. No wonder if it will be fake remake of the fo2 only in 3d
it sounds like a good idea, but it looks like they used the ground sprites from diablo 2, possibly the terrain/building/plants from van buren, and shit out some character models. and i really mean shit, i mean, to me, it looks like nothing meshes together. the ground clashes with the plants that clash with the character model...

maybe im being too hard on a game thats still in development, but at least with fallout everything worked together harmoniously.

i could be dead wrong, and this game could be great, or just good, but right now....its nothing id buy hot off the shelves.
Real time mode combats...

That along with the accompanying pictures make it look and sound like Diablo with guns to me :)

It's still another sci-fi futuristic RPG to watch out for though.. we'll just have to wait and see if it turns out to be any good or not.