Search results

  1. G

    Military Base-- can't make entrance!

    For me it was a matter of expectations. I just assumed that it would be a little more chalenging to find this metal pole, so it never even occurred to me to look where I was standing. It also never occurred to me that I would have to construct such a device just to clear some rubble. I...
  2. G

    Fallout 3 New Beginnings

    I am sorry Rosh, but i have to disagree. I think posting ideas for what you would like in an FO3 storyline is perfectly in line with this forum. For god's sakes, that is all we did here for something like two or three years after FO2, before Tactics came out. We sat here and posted ideas as...
  3. G

    FO3 engine, new art

    Ok, to be honest I never played anything that Bethesda made. I have heard reviews on the net. My point is that I want to say straight out that I am basing some of my opinion here on limited info. That said..... If it really took Bethesda 6 years to make Morrowind then that shows me...
  4. G

    Yushchenko poisioned with Dioxin

    If I was Yushchenko I would be so pissed there would be no words to describe, as I am sure he is. I don't think I could think straight, my goal in life would be to castrate the motherfuckers using a shotgun. That is an unbelievably barbaric mutilation, and as I understand it, it will never...
  5. G

    Military Base-- can't make entrance!

    Yeah, When I first played the game I didn't even get inside because I couldn't figure out what the hell to do. I think I did it on my second time though. For the longest time I couldn't find the damned pole. It never even occurred to me that it was lying right there, and then completing...
  6. G

    Karma permanently locked.

    Are you sure it is locked? I mean, I assume you have done some things that should raise it under normal circumstances. You have had encounters with bandits and the like, since wiping out simple rendom encounters of human/mutant bad guys reaises your Karma as far s I remember. Anyways...
  7. G

    Rumsfeld questioned...

    Even if this question originated from a reporter, I do not think it matters. It obviously was a sentiment shared by the rest of the troops, judging by the tremendous cheer. I fee it is a question that needed to be asked regardless of who asks it. We must also remember that the soldier who...
  8. G

    Fox News on Holland

    Author Message bob_the_rambler wrote: Damn, you got me. Totally told me off. Man, just the way you presented your argument. Such a thoughtful, and well researched reason why my source is not to be believed. I don't know how I will recover. I bow to your intellect and general...
  9. G

    The random/sudden/drunk thread

    Well.... Some people say that if you drink to get drunk you are an alcoholic. I say that: IF YOU DRINK TO GET DRUNK, THEN YOU GET THE FUCKING POINT. I like the taste of alcohol, I really do. I LOVE Guiness. I LOVE whiskey, especially Jameson. I also sometimes I like a good Vodka...
  10. G

    Fox News on Holland

    Here is another tidbit about a slippery slope...... I heard this just yesterday on NPR. It seems that some conservatives are worried about the disparity between the number of 'conservative' instructors vs. 'liberal' instructors on college campuses in our nation. They believe that the...
  11. G

    shameful music

    umm.... ever hear of Playboy or hustler? but I dont want to judge..... Malkavian has the monopoly on that .... :whistle:
  12. G

    shameful music

    So I know that there have been quite a few threads about favorite music and such. However, I would like to ask now what bands do you listen to, that you would normaly not admit to listening, or CD's you own that you never mention, or songs you like that when all of your friends say how much...
  13. G

    The random/sudden/drunk thread

    One time i went to a a small.... well, not a party but rather a "get-together".... at a friends house. This was after a week where I had a lot of work so I decided it was a good occasion to get drunk. I knew most of those people were not very heavy drinkers so I would be basically drinking...
  14. G

    The Fall reviews

    All of this is highly dissapointing. I was really looking forward to this game. I really hope that they have the bugs worked out before they get it to the US. I only learned of the game recently but I thought it had great potential. .... Though I never uderstood why anyone would want to take...
  15. G

    What did you NOT like about FO 1 & 2?

    FO1: Some minor things like the inventory, and some quests being incomplete. Like I felt that I should be able to turn Iguana Bob in, wasn't the evidence in that locker under the doctor's clinic in Junktown, but there was no way to open it? anyways.... Also the followers of the apocalipse...
  16. G

    Oil half gone?

    calculon00 wrote: If you want to talk about improper wealth distribution then take a good look at the US. The following is a web-site that boils it down nicely as well as providing links to all the source material if you really feel like crunching the numbers yourself from the census bureau...
  17. G

    Teh evil movies!

    it makes my head hurt..... Make it stop, mommy! I wonder ho many hits that sit gets and how many of those are people like us who go there for a good laugh?
  18. G

    Civ sold eh?

    yeah... Civ III is a hard game I usualy play it on the third level (which is 'regent' I believe), but I usually get creamed by the industrial age. I did beat it a few times though. I really all hinges on your starting point. But I know what you are saying about the easier level also being...
  19. G

    What OLD games do you still play ?

    thx.... Last I looked for that patch must have been something like two yars ago.... back then somehow all of the links anywhere, including this site if I remember corectly, seemed to take me to fileplanet. no matter..... I am probably going to put off playing FO still longer anyway because...
  20. G

    What OLD games do you still play ?

    Jagged Alliance 2 anyone? (wilfire came out recently.... can't figure out what I have to do to finally beat it, I've killed everything in sight) Shogo- love that game, just good, simple fun. Mech Comander and MC2- I like the first better though I still have not beat it, just so damned...