Suicide Candidate
It Wandered In From the Wastes
This is officially the besterestest movie review site ever.

This is officially the besterestest movie review site ever.

There is much programming in this PG-13 which will likely make the parent and grandparent uncomfortable. Due to tons of violence [Prov. 3:31] and even more foul language [Mark 7:20], *The 6th Day* earned an Investigation Area score of zero in Wanton Violence/Crime, Impudence/Hate and Offense to God. With a Final Score of 23 and an Influence Density of 2.02, this movie is clearly equivalent to R-rated movies. Don't be deceived. Just because a movie does not present intercourse with nudity and other vulgar extremes does not make it safe or tame [Rev. 20:10]. 1000 Nasties worth 10 each can be the same as 10 Nasties worth 1000 each.
Lord Inquisitor Baboonius said:Americant's are.
Clearly, you are lying about living in Croatia.Ratty said:This site is a joke, right? Nobody could possibly be that ignorant and backward.
40 Days and 40 Nights was NOT a promotion of abstinence. Rather, it was a tease for sexual promiscuity and immorality. Even the movie poster is disgusting and vulgar. And every movie-going teen and preteen in America has seen it. But what can we expect of Miramax.
Kotario said:* a man in a shower
* a heterosexual couple living together
* a woman on top of a man in bed
* fighting to solve differences or to protect
PsychoSniper said:I'm a fucking moron!
Malkavian said:I like elephant cock in my ass.