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    How did you discover Fallout ?

    I was working in a warehouse in 1998. A coworker, least likely to be a gamer, told me he played Fallout 1 between girlfriends. Told him id try it out, i was looking for a new game at the time anyway. A few weeks later i asked him about the game and if he still played. He honastly didnt know wtf...
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    How excited are you for Fallout 4?

    Will you even play it? *Mumbles* Yes. Will you play it, but stop if it sucks? *Mumbles* No. Will you play it all the way through and then feel dirty afterwards? *Mumbles* Yes.
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    Are you a druggie?

    Avoided drugs in Fallout 1&2, Tactics and 3. Ive yet to complete NV so i might use them. If its necessary to survive i kind of have to. Usually playing a heavy gunner or a sniper character, we´ll see.
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    Pope Resigns, World Cares (Not)

    He has a point that its very unlikely that someone will change their minds on a whim. What he fails to understand is that faith in the word is an epiphany type of experience. Those strangers only offers last advices in order to start such a process. The NDE and the Void...
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    Pope Resigns, World Cares (Not)

    Like a NDE person once said: "Its easy to be an atheist when youre young and/or successful, but its very hard to be an atheist when youre laying on your deathbed". Conscious Pope with a conscience. First one in 600 years it appears.
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    Good , neutral, or Evil.

    True, its about the story. The hero's journey. Its not even about good and evil...its about everyday struggle and personal spiritual growth.
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    How did James get in to Vault 101?

    Fallout Wiki "Doc Church is a doctor who works in Megaton in the year 2277. Doc Church was born in 2223. Before Doc came to the town a few years ago, Megaton was without a doctor for a very long time. Before he settled, Doc stayed alive by trading his services to raiders and slavers. Now 54...
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    Will Fallout 3 be remembered?

    Fallout 3 will be remembered. For the right or wrong reasons? I dont know. Depends on if Bathesda can win the love and trust from the die hard Fallout 1&2 and Tactics fans or not.
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    How did James get in to Vault 101?

    Fallout Wiki: "Growing up in Vault 101 during a time when the vault dwellers ventured freely into the outside world, Alphonse's parents believed the vault should have no contact with the dangers out there. As he got older, Alphonse knew he had to correct the gross lapses in security. He got...
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    Good , neutral, or Evil.

    "Good" When you help people out they get happy. Once they are happy you shoot them and no one is the wiser. Right?
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    History of NMA

    I was too busy playing FOT to be active here back then. Though i do remember Silencer and PaladinHeart being somewhat active here. I bet it was promotion of that WWII mod or something.
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    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Hello. Shouldve posted here 10 years ago, but didnt. Now i have. :crazy:
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    Rate the above song and post your own.

    Great tune Buxbaum666. 8/10. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
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    Any way to steal money?

    I know hes trying to steal from friendly units. Yes, i know perfectly well killing bunker inhabitants youll have some issues later on. Still, its an option. There are other friendly units in the game aswell...trader types. But, yeah. FOT doesnt really allow you to play the bad guy.
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    What happens to freed slaves?

    I always thought they got upset with something, started a riot, and got killed for disturbing the peace.
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    Wasteland 2 decisions question

    WL2_VisionDoc_Final.pdf Imho, you do not have to worry about the talent aspect of the development. Maybe the financial side due to the kickstarter concept. (Maybe they open a second kickstarter, i dont know). InXile...
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    What's your opinion about keyword dialog system?

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe> This is what im talking about. Its ok, hands down.
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    Why is Fallout 3 so hated?

    @OP, its made by the wrong guys.
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    Is Wasteland 2 Going to Req an Internet Connection?

    Its a singleplayer game. InXile just ignore any multiplayer suggestion, including co-op. They will let the fanbase have modding tools though, so after the release who knows.
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    Fallout 3 Advices

    You do the Quest: "Galaxy News Radio" and go look for Three Dog. He is the DJ of Galaxy News Radio and gives you a quest to fix the radio antenna on top of the Washington Monument. For some reason he likes Pre-War music. "Because one's not enough and two is too low, It's three dog! Awoooo!!!"