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    Patches for fallout 3

    Fallout 3 difficulty modifier: Changing the difficulty level will also change experience gained from killing enemies. On Very Hard you will receive 150% of the regular experience for a kill, while a kill on Very Easy will only yield 50%. For example, a deathclaw is worth 25 XP on Very...
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    Any way to steal money?

    Why steal? Shoot and loot.
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    Fallout Tactics: Role Play - Multiplayer (FOT:RPG)

    Radman, i remember those games in 2003-2004. Played a few but i was more involved with the co-op mod, WWII mod and low k guild war games side of the community. Wouldnt mind joining you in this though. As for getting the old people back. Talked to The Khans and some of the TBC guys. S*T and...
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    Roachor question

    Patch version 1.27b then.
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    Kansas City Optional Objective

    *SPOILER* Trick is to run to the south gate, right away, and with rocket launchers kill the first wave. The ghouls stationed there will engage the Super Mutants when they arrive. Then go to the east gate and do the same with the first wave. The north gate is ok, just place a guy there and it...
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    Quick question about Jefferson

    Those Super Mutants are basically there to protect that scientist. If the devs forgot to add triggers, like TwoEyedYum suggested, then its a bummer. To me it was always a roleplaying thing, hence the bad karma if you kill them.
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    How do you think W2 is going to compare to FO2 ?

    Gameplay wise its more like Fallout Tactics, while looking a tad like Diablo III.