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  1. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    Hmm, I can see your point, maybe if there was a balance between the fun aspect and news then it would be more realistic. The radio host in F4 was just boring.
  2. Fallout Guy117

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Fallout 1 and 4, I just can't stop playing them! Danm you unique world lore, Danm, you and your fun!
  3. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    That's a good idea, one of the more less known quest in F3 was one where you had to get a Stradivarius. I enjoyed the quest of because of the item reward, but because i added something to the wasteland, and it was good classical music. For the skript, I want to add into how important radio is...
  4. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    Okay, this I out of curiosity, but what music is better, West coast Fallout or East Coast. I prefer east coast, but still enjoy NV track. I did love the song "Atom Bomb Baby", "It's the end of the world", and "Butcher Pete". I know raiders should have sone form of harder rock, but what more...
  5. Fallout Guy117

    What Kind of Music is FALLOUT missing.

    What about this selection.
  6. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    One concept I'm toying with is expanding on the lack of exciting, and brutal melee. Basically is has not evolved, I think that if you are using hand to hand, then kicks and tackles must be added. Even the basics would be better than nothing.
  7. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    Here is an new question. How can an urban area in a Fallout game be improved. I did like that in Fallout 4 there were more buildings to go into, but there is other ways urban section can be improved.
  8. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    Thanks for the complement man! I have read some of his work and I do like it. I planing reading more if his work, and @Radiosity did sebd me two videos on the last page for help. I'd recommend watching them because they are quite excellent.
  9. Fallout Guy117

    What Kind of Music is FALLOUT missing.

    Raiders, raiders in a mosh pit is what i see from this, I love it!
  10. Fallout Guy117

    Are factions a good, or negative component for Fallout?

    What do you think of the concept of Factions, I'm the Fallout Universe?
  11. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    Thanks for the advice and clarification!
  12. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    I know it probably won't happen, but it's one if those I HAVE to do it if it fails scenario. It's just something that is itching in the back of my head. Plus I'm doing this for free cause I just want to make this. It's strange, but even though I know it probably won't happen, j still plan to do...
  13. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    Yes that is my goal.
  14. Fallout Guy117

    What do you think of Todd Howard

    As the title says, what do you think of Todd Howard?
  15. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    Thanks man, I am serious though about trying to make this. I'm not heading into the gaming field for a carrer, but anything can be learned with or without a degree. A script isn't a 3D model or anything special. It's a story, and many writers don't have a degree, so I think if I make this...
  16. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    No, i mean an actual game script.
  17. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    These are incredible! Thank you so much I will revisit these to help stay on track for my script
  18. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    That is cool, maybe they can be used by the tunneled as a kind of pet, or be its natural predator.
  19. Fallout Guy117

    Hey there fallout fans, go check out "What makes a good Fallout Game", and leave some feedback...

    Hey there fallout fans, go check out "What makes a good Fallout Game", and leave some feedback. Making future Fallout game script. Need help
  20. Fallout Guy117

    Feedback is Key.

    Feedback is Key.