What Kind of Music is FALLOUT missing.

Fallout Guy117

Feedback is Key.
what kind of songs do you think fallout is missing? The limited time frame being from 1900-1969 ( when the 13 commonwealths were formed).
I'm of the opinion that Fallout should've never adopted that "stuck with the 50's music" schtick to begin with as, while the tones are fitting, it makes no sense that that's all there is.

But since it's there, there could've been more Sinatra (The World We Knew, My Way) and cliche as it is, Armstrongs What a Wonderful World. And why not Percy Faith's Summer Place too.

To mention a couple.
I'm of the opinion that Fallout should've never adopted that "stuck with the 50's music" schtick to begin with as, while the tones are fitting, it makes no sense that that's all there is.

But since it's there, there could've been more Sinatra (The World We Knew, My Way) and cliche as it is, Armstrongs What a Wonderful World. And why not Percy Faith's Summer Place too.

To mention a couple.

Great artists, perfect songs to fit in, and great feedback, thanks!
I always viewed Fallout pre-war as a society that was celebrating another era's style as a throwback rather than just never evolving from the 50's. Same way we're having a nostalgia love affair with the 80's today, but we're not still making our media with synthesizers and 8 millimeter. So with that in mind, I think retro-ized pop like all of PostModern Jukebox's work would fit the atmosphere perfectly for the old world stuff.

And heavy metal for raider dungeons. Are you really telling me that in two hundred years a raider has never rediscovered how to put six strings on a stick and thrash on it?

Galyxo, motherfuckers!
Seriously though, they should have gone full future music instead of 50's. It's over a hundred years later, damnit!
And heavy metal for raider dungeons. Are you really telling me that in two hundred years a raider has never rediscovered how to put six strings on a stick and thrash on it?

Yeah, if Fallout 3 had treated raiders like actual human beings and not target practise then this kind of sub-culture would've been a fun thing to explore.

I recall there were a bunch of hippie protesters in Hopeville in Lonesome Road. This would imply that counter culture very much existed, and that would include music. I'm fine with there being a retro-'50s fashion thing going on just before the war, explaining characters like Dean Domino and Vera Keyes, but otherwise music and culture probably wouldn't be all that different. Maybe songs would make reference to different events and stuff but otherwise the genres would probably be the same. Abba still exists despite the Cold War, same would apply to other weird pop music. Saying culture just stopped after the '50s is a pathetic excuse for lazy writing.

Anyway, rant over. It'd be nice if the games actually did explore post-war music more. The songs in the Aces Theatre were fun but just reiterations of country western songs. As you said, it'd be fun to see "raider" people with their own music. In All Roads Benny mentions an old tribal singer who was part of the Chairmen before they became Chairmen.

It's a very untapped part of the Fallout universe that has a lot to give: tribal music, folk songs, bands, orchestras, stuff like that.
I can't understand the so-called fact (an opinion, let's face it) that Metal as genre can't arise in Fallout world. Zerost, Fallout is not rolling around 1950s vibe, it got influence from wide range of eras, mostly 40-80s. First, some key defining bits of play technuiqes like double bass drumming and low tuned guitars actually derived from jazz and blues already. Second, do you guys really think it's too hard even for raiders to guess how to thrash years after the war and therefore the downfall of 1950s rip-off culture?
For some reason, I could see the Raiders making some punk, maybe give them a few drugs and we'll get noise rock.
I'm also surprised to not really get as much Country music.
Also, there needs to be at least some psychedelic music out there.

Still, what Fallout really needs in old school gangster rap.
First off great topic OP, I have thought about that myself. Mostly I felt for boring real world licensing reasons being the culprit as for why it is missing. But I would have liked to hear some Hank Williams Sr. on the country side and more Sinatra and Dean Martin on Radio New Vegas. As far as Beths take in Boston I would have liked to hear more Irish drinking songs and some sea shanties esp. with Far Harbor. As far as D.C. I dunno more Conalrad type stuff.
Given that Bethesda apparently treated Radioactive Dreams as serious movie to be inspired by, why not let Sue Saad and the Next write the whole soundtrack?

As for raiders playing Metal: Yes.
Post-apocalypse has kinda been getting a thing in Metal recently, too. Especially Power Metal.

But it's also been a theme in other genres:

Well, can't go into apocalyptic Metal without mentioning Ulcerate:
Given that Bethesda apparently treated Radioactive Dreams as serious movie to be inspired by, why not let Sue Saad and the Next write the whole soundtrack?

As for raiders playing Metal: Yes.
Post-apocalypse has kinda been getting a thing in Metal recently, too. Especially Power Metal.

But it's also been a theme in other genres:

Well, can't go into apocalyptic Metal without mentioning Ulcerate:

Raiders, raiders in a mosh pit is what i see from this, I love it!
The First Fallout? None. It NAILED the atmosphere of the game, cant imagine Fallout without it.

Fallout 4? No. It has that 80s sort of music that fits with the general theme but almost all of it I would have personally trashed it because its not nearly what i expect from an apocalypse. To cheerful and fun, No sustenance. Same goes for fallout 4 general theme, mainly the combat music. Too heroic with little to no fear of death and bad decisions.