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  1. D

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    Let's just say I enjoyed the way the movie ended...
  2. D

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    Actually, it wasn't a children's book at all. --- Watched 'Babel' this weekend. A very interesting movie that delves into how we don't communicate well with each other as a species. I give it 4.2 out of five asshelmets Also saw, 'Harry Brown', which was another very well made thought...
  3. D

    NFL 2012 !!

    I hate this season. Worst season I've had in fantasy football yet in over 7 years of playing. I should have followed your lead and taken this year off...
  4. D

    Oh look, the world didn't end (...YET! *ominous tones*)

    Why? Fewer idiots in the world is a good thing.
  5. D

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    No, it was so bad, I almost left the theater.
  6. D

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    Worst movie of all time - "Man with the Iron Fists"
  7. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    The gun stores are crazy with folks panicking to buy guns, ammo, and magazines before the Obama AWB comes into play. It's frikken nuts. I went in my fav store to pick up a few boxes of .410 shotgun shells for a christmas present and it was packed with 30-40 customers four deep at the counter...
  8. D

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    I've read the book several times and the movie sticks to it like sanders buttocks after a visit from kharn.
  9. D

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    Went to see two movies yesterday. "Killing them softly" with Brad Pitt. I really enjoyed this movie, even though it has some horrible reviews. Most of the reviews key on the political message of the movie. I thought it was a great message and the way Pitt did it was awesome and pretty damn...
  10. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I found some great deals on some hi-cap mags at the gun show this last weekend. I thought prices would be through the roof after that horrible shooting and Obama's speech about taking meaningful action. One guy had 30 round mags for $10.00 and those got snatched up quick. I found four for...
  11. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    lol - too funny I don't have it yet, it's in route from the seller to my FFL here. It will probably show up just in time for christmas. It has the double action to single action trigger, so you're probably right - it will suck in that regard. This one has two 30 round mags and a 50...
  12. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    @willis - I'm just not interested in going through the NFA process @johnny - that candy is going to go straight to your hips @mobucks - quit flirting, johnny is married
  13. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I saw that one Willis, I'd have been bidding for it too - if it wasn't an NFA item. I really wanted the .45 over the 9mm - but they are hard to come across. I think it would probably go for $1700 or so without the SBR "kit". He won't break the set either...
  14. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    What I should do is stay the fuck off - it's like a crackhouse for crackheads. I just won this on auction: It's a Sites Spectre HC in 9mm, kinda rare - only 2000 semi-auto versions were imported to the U.S. before the Clinton AWB stopped their import. The 9mm was the more...
  15. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I think I'm going to have a double S.O.B. holster made for them...
  16. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Nice AR Phil. Willis, we'll see what happens next weekend... @ptar: what is this for a fuck? --- Alsoplustoo: What's better than a Ruger SR1911 for your birthday? A second one for christmas...
  17. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    The .30 carbine got a lot of looks today, traffic was pretty good. I thought I had two guys that were going to drop for that Ruger, but no such luck. Closed on the M6 Scout for $600 and the Stoeger O/U for $325, so while it wasn't a horrible day, it wasn't a barn burner either. I'll probably...
  18. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Love my Rugers, it's very hard to put two of them on the chopping block. But, 44 magnum and 30 carbine are not calibers I want to stock and that makes them fair game. There is one missing from this pic, but the closest thing to all of them in one shot...
  19. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Getting ready for the Jackson, MS gun show tomorrow and Sunday. This will be a decent size show with about 350 tables (the last two shows were 200-250 table shows in smaller towns). More importantly with this being the biggest city and the state capitol, there will be a lot more folks coming...
  20. D

    NFL 2012 !!

    Quit typing in dutch...