DammitBoy said:
Brother None said:
I hope there's not too many suicides from sad, delusional people.
Why? Fewer idiots in the world is a good thing.
While I would normally agree with that sentiment, since I'm quite fond of the idea of Social (and practical) Darwinism, there's one small problem with this... There were 2 OTHER "End of the World" stories this year, both of which were perpetuated by some particular cult (I forget the details), which initially asserted that the end of the world was coming in May, I believe. Utter crock, of course, and this was TOTALLY unaffiliated with the mass hysteria of 12/21/12 "Apocalypse", but fanatic believers killed themselves over this..... and their family members.
Morons taking their genetic information out of the equation by virtue of their own incompetence is certainly not something to automatically shun, and can indeed be somewhat amusing. But morons FIRST killing their friends, loved ones, and CHILDREN- most of which because they were unwilling to kill themselves because
they didn't believe the bullshit -BEFORE committing suicide, is absolutely disgusting. I couldn't laugh at or enjoy that. Maybe it's because something similar happened to one of my sister's friends, who was murdered, along with her mother, by her father, who in a fit of traditionalist Asian bigotry decided that his whole family had to die when he got laid off... WHY?
What's worse, after that initial end of the world didn't come (yet thousands had already quit their jobs and many were dead), that idiot cult just said "Oh we think we got the date wrong. The End is still coming, but it'll actually be in October!!!" I forget if similar incidents happened that time. But TOO many people believe the utterly most ridiculous shit. If this was genuinely part of an ancient Mayan prediction, I could understand the craze. But it's an email chain story. It's an urban legend. Shit, even those who claim that the end is predicted in the Bible just CHOOSE to apply a specific date to the Revelations "predictions", which couldn't BE more vague if they tried to be! There's no real faith-based story behind any of it, but people believe it.
On the inside, I'm laughing about all of this, because it is so absolutely absurd. But I'm still upset when I hear that fanatics killed their non-fanatic loved ones over this bullshit. That's just evil.