Search results

  1. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    OK, I overlooked the code. There is a check for EMP when the game calculates the combat damage: if ((*flagsPtr & DAM_BYPASS) != 0 && damageType != DAMAGE_TYPE_EMP) { damageThreshold = 20 * damageThreshold / 100; damageResistance = 20 * damageResistance / 100; } The bypass armor...
  2. NovaRain

    [Collection] Inventory FRM edits

    Some ammo edits I recolored the color stripe on some ammo to yellow for the new "Ball" ammo type. also made a .44 Magnum AP similar to the one in Fallout Tactics. BTW, EcCo already has .223 AP and 14mm JHP inven sprites, so check that if you're interested in assets for adding more ammo types...
  3. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    I didn't see special handling of EMP DR/DT for crits in the engine code dump (RE or CE for more readable source code) when the game calculates the damage in combat. But Anna in RP has the "invulnerable" flag set in her proto, which sets the damage multiplier of critical hits to basic "x2", i.e...
  4. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 resolution help

    They are probably playing the game with Restoration Project installed, which has maps expanded to fit higher res better.
  5. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 resolution help

    The black bars are normal because they are "map edges", some maps just have narrower areas with the width less than your game resolution, so you see the black bars on the sides. If you want to see "unfinished" areas beyond the map edges, set EDGE_CLIPPING_ON=0 in f2_res.ini.
  6. NovaRain

    Fallout II Visually Enhanced Patch (FKA Hi-Res Patch)

    You can get it from Drobovik's database:
  7. NovaRain

    Fallout II Visually Enhanced Patch (FKA Hi-Res Patch)

    Yes please, always good to have some refs even if I probably cannot do much with it.
  8. NovaRain

    Fallout II Visually Enhanced Patch (FKA Hi-Res Patch)

    Wow! Glad to see you are still doing OK. Just curious, do you still have the source code of old HRP (DX9 one before you overhaul it to DX11 VEP)? The current code of built-in HRP in sfall was done by disassembling f2_res.dll, would be nice if there's a real source code for reference.
  9. NovaRain

    [Collection] Inventory FRM edits

    Mauser Pistol edits Lexx toyed around with the vanilla graphics one day, hand-painted the stock, and adjusted the barrel to make it look less bent upward. Then, I touched up the highlight on the barrel for a more vanilla feel. The gun (one with stock) will be in the next release of Et Tu as...
  10. NovaRain

    Do "bypass armor" critical hits bypass innate DR (perks, drugs, implants)?

    The "bypass armor" effect doesn't ignore DR/DT completely, it just reduces both to 1/5.
  11. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 mod Question about Fallout 2 merchants' "box" scripts

    If you open VC map in the mapper, you can see there's a set of Metal Armor MKII in his merchant box.
  12. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    sfall 4.3.6 and 3.8.36 are released on SourceForge, along with their respective modders packs.
  13. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    The SPECIAL/derived stats/skills relationships in et tu are the same as in Fallout 1. The only exception is now Charisma is a bit less than a dump stat, unlike how it was in vanilla FO1.
  14. NovaRain

    RP: Fallout 2 "does'n respond" during fight

    Set EXTRA_WIN_MSG_CHECKS=1 in f2_res.ini.
  15. NovaRain

    New animations 2

    You can download the snapshot zip of the whole repo. In the main page, click "Code" -> "Download ZIP".
  16. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 mod New voice for Cassidy

    Try this one: