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  1. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Um... just use the main Fallout2.exe. @MIB88isSEXY I just... um... where to begin with this post?! It was a fun read. Thanks. And thanks for the kudos and for offering to assist. But, I'm not coordinating or directing any efforts with changing or adding to this mod. So, if you have a...
  2. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Unofficial MIB88 MegaMod Gameplay Help

    Both, for now, are merely for ambience. They are not required locations. There are no quests associated with those locations... yet.
  3. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    I just tested that area a few days ago. Not fully, since it was a weak character, but somewhat. Try reinstalling the mod. Then go to your data/proto/critters and the items folders. Select all and right click. Then select properties. Uncheck read only, then recheck that box. Sometimes it says a...
  4. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Thanks for continuing to submit bug reports. I've started a new game to test some things out. I've fixed those encounters with the incorrect names. Here is a question for you: Did you have any problem speaking with Lydia, the barkeeper, in Vault City. I'm not sure why she doesn't interact with...
  5. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Wow, this will be a lot to go through. Thanks for the bug reports. I will tackle these. But first, a few answers to some things I remember. 1. You planted the gas on the wrong gangster. 2. Sounds like you were in the caves beneath Broken Hills, not the basement. I'll look into these...
  6. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Unofficial MIB88 MegaMod Gameplay Help

    I was just thinking: I don't know if you can really modify the worldmap.txt file to add money to merchants in random encounters. Well, you can, but, I think that extra money would only appear if you try to steal from the merchant or if the merchant is killed. Or, maybe the merchant would be able...
  7. MIB88

    Unlimited party possible in MIB88 Megamod?

    Thanks for that info. I'll check the scripts for those broken characters and get them fixed.
  8. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Unofficial MIB88 MegaMod Gameplay Help

    The two best places to get money are the merchants in San Francisco and, I think, the casino cage in Redding. It is completely possible to edit the merchant scripts to generate more money. The scripts you would want to modify are actually the merchant "box" scripts. Look for references to...
  9. MIB88

    Unlimited party possible in MIB88 Megamod?

    If you are thinking about adding the Unlimited Party Mod (UPL) to the Megamod (MM), please don't do it. Your game will not work properly. If you add the character scripts from the UPM, you will miss out on a lot of content/fixes that are in the MM character scripts. However, there is a way to...
  10. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    I recently started a new job... one which provides me less free time than my last job. But I haven't forgotten about all of your posts, bug reports, or the mod. After all, I just spent a lot of money to retrieve the data from the hard drive that the mod was stored on! I promise the mod isn't...
  11. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    I always played the slaver camp the same way... Maybe that's why I didn't get the problems that are being reported. I always went in with a high speech and got into the shed by convincing him to give me the keys. Then, I still end up slaughtering all the slavers. No problems. But I'll recheck...
  12. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    They were able to recover about 98% of what was on the drive. Fortunately, that remaining 2% was either old, obsolete files, had nothing to do with Fallout, or was backed up on other drives. So, yes, it was very successful.
  13. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    @antichosen Do you have a file called patch000.dat in your fallout folder? If so, you need to remove or delete it. @Crafty Thank you. I'll make sure to fix that file. @everyone Got a new hard drive in the mail today with the recovered data from my old hard drive. Yay! Work on the Megamod...
  14. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    No, it isn't safe to say that. I've written repeatedly that the MM doesn't work with other projects. I don't know what you mean by Restoration patch. One is his patch. The other is the Restoration Project. If you add the MM to the RP, your game is going to be completely jacked up. If you add it...
  15. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Another update: Good news and bad news for all of you. The good news is that I was able to negotiate a much better price for the work of repairing my hard drive with the company that guarantees my data will be retrieved. The bad news is that I didn't get the drive back prior to going on another...
  16. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Software fixes are out of the question. I was told that there is a physical problem with the drive. That means using a clean room to take it apart and replace some damaged components. And, unfortunately, I don't know a guy who knows a guy with that in his home. :P I'll get my drive back and...