Unlimited party possible in MIB88 Megamod?


First time out of the vault
I found under FO2tweaks an option to get unlimited party members. Is it possible to add it to the MIB88 Megamod? And what is needed to change it?
If you are thinking about adding the Unlimited Party Mod (UPL) to the Megamod (MM), please don't do it. Your game will not work properly. If you add the character scripts from the UPM, you will miss out on a lot of content/fixes that are in the MM character scripts.

However, there is a way to get unlimited party members already with the MM. If you get the perk Cult of Personality, you can get all the party NPCs. The perk has a few other uses in the mod, as well.
Yeah, I have Cult of Personality, now and it rocks.
I also did little more research and read it would damage other scripts.

I love to have a big party.

Klint, Sulik, Vic, Cassidy, Bess, Miria, Davin, Lenny, Dogmeat, Marcus, Myron and Skynet (Robobrain), Private Dobbs

I wonder who I can add, too.

For Marcus and Skynet I needed to remove most members of my Group to add them. With Miria I had little issues in the Megamod after removing her, I could not click on her anymore (after adding Skynet). So I removed someone else...

After ending this game, I think if I start again, I will make the fights on hard.
Thanks for that info. I'll check the scripts for those broken characters and get them fixed.
If you are thinking about adding the Unlimited Party Mod (UPL) to the Megamod (MM), please don't do it. Your game will not work properly. If you add the character scripts from the UPM, you will miss out on a lot of content/fixes that are in the MM character scripts.
You won't miss anything with FO2tweaks unlimited party.
Question is, does this mod change the character files? If yes, are the files modified from the newest Megamod?
FO2tweaks patches current companion scripts at install time. The reason for that is precisely to avoid releasing multiple version of the scripts for various mod combinations.
I didn't test it with Megamod, as I never played it. But it does work with killap's patch, RP and EcCo. (There's some issue with Miria, though, which will be fixed in next release)
If you try it and it doesn't work, feel free to file an issue on github and it will be checked.