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    You think you have a bad commute? As I have told most people coming here, driving in China is...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I restarted on the Witcher, 1. to test a few things out for the wiki, 2. replaying some choices that I may have missed before, 3. setting some random goals for fun (like making 80k or 100k orens), 4. it's possible saves from 1 can to loaded to start 2 with some difference. I still have to...
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    A Game About Games

    Sorry, I am with BN here, too many Nintendo games that I didn't care much about.
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    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread T-Rex 20th Century Boy.
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    Ebert: Video Games Can Never Be Art

    A comment mentioned FO, is that one of ours? I decided to quote the whole thing because it's too much of a pain to look for a comment on that page.
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I am currently playing Valkyria Chronicles and RE5: Mercenaries for kicks and just to kill time, I am playing some Diablo 2 with some friends and families while waiting for 3. I might start a Civ 4 or Galactic Civ 2 run again.
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    Translation Time!

    Interesting. Douglas Hofstadter's words almost came true from his book, but it looks like Italian screw it up. I am a strange loop. 10 translations later: [spoiler:7686253127]I am a strange loop.[/spoiler:7686253127] 25 translations later: [spoiler:7686253127]I am a strange...
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    Mythbusters discovers that dimples on your car saves fuel

    Didn't I see this episode quite a while back? Why bring this up now? It's technically feasible but completely ptless and pain in the arse to do. I don't think any savings you can make on the fuel is enough to pay for someone to sculpt your car by hand.
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    X-Com being made into an FPS (Again?)

    What, you guys didn't notice? A lot of Hollywood types jumped into the gaming genre, claiming it's not much different than producing a movie. And what's been done a lot in the movie industry these days? Investment bankers, private equity firms, angel investors, etc, etc, are all getting...
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    Hey, My warranty is still valid on this, right? I really don't know how to comment on this, except that how the hell does someone like this even allowed to adopt in the...
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    Male Whitney Houston found in Taiwan
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    Senegal and North Korea? That's a bit out of left field, but what's North Korea going to do with a piece of land in Senegal? :scratch: The statue thing is a bit of a lame duck, but all leaders like to build things that might outlast them...
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    Favorite books / What are you reading?

    MW, Swallowing the Earth by Osamu Tezuka. lol, there is certainly no moe or giant robots here. He is clearly affected by the writers and events of his generation. Roshomon & related short stories by Akutagawa. I don't think I even need to explain who or what this is. I am reading it in...
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    mom! I want a pet monkey! lol, American eroge for young teenage girls? Gotta start them young now, I suppose. :lol:
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    lol, virtual prostitution, what else is new? But sounds expensive, iirc, paying girls to strip on web cam is cheaper. (did some work for p0rn sites, don't ask :P ) And if you are that desperate, go play some eroge games or something.
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    Fu**ing Hell Beer!,1518,686305,00.html So, what's in a name, really? Would you buy a F##king Hell beer or clothes?