X-Com being made into an FPS (Again?)

Another beloved franchise of mine is going to get destroyed in the name of "imershun."
It's come to the point where it seems that today's gamers (the console owners, the target market) will not accept anything but FPS and TPS.

Almost every other game seems to sell badly unless it's on the Wii (of course there are some exceptions), so the PS3 and Xbox 360 are almost purely FPS/TPS consoles. And PC gaming, the platform where FPS originated and have undoubtedly the best control scheme for the genre is just dying.

In the future, everything will be a Modern Warfare, Halo or Fallout 3 clone, because they sold well. And why did they sell well? Because they were over-hyped First-Person games.

Gamers are not running the gaming industry anymore; businessmen are. "By gamers for gamers" is from a time gone by.
I've been under the impression that Ken Levine has been working on an X-Com game. Is he working on a different x-com game perhaps?
Aaaah another revolution in gamplay, graphics and things never seen before. I will be also in control of anything at anytime.
Its also about the popular X-com universe wich is put into the most modern genre. :clap: I have been waiting for something like this for years now.
this is truly sad. even more so than what's happened to Fallout. because Fallout has a unique setting to it, a certain atmosphere that I can understand someone would want to use it different kinds of games. but the beauty of X-Com was mainly the gameplay itself - there's nothing unique and particularly interesting about the setting. so is this all about milking out a franchise? well, the crowd who this game obviously is aimed towards have likely never even heard about X-Com and wouldn't care one tiny little bit if it was called something else. so really, what's the god damn point here?
aenemic said:
this is truly sad. even more so than what's happened to Fallout. because Fallout has a unique setting to it, a certain atmosphere that I can understand someone would want to use it different kinds of games. but the beauty of X-Com was mainly the gameplay itself - there's nothing unique and particularly interesting about the setting. so is this all about milking out a franchise? well, the crowd who this game obviously is aimed towards have likely never even heard about X-Com and wouldn't care one tiny little bit if it was called something else. so really, what's the god damn point here?

This is exactly what I thought. A shooter with aliens isn't exactly new, and I doubt most X-COM fans liked it so much mostly because of the setting.
It was not the setting, nor the combat system or anything else. It was about how it was put together and presented. Same can be said for JA 1 and 2 for example. A Jagged Alliance fps anyone ? :roll:
What, you guys didn't notice?

A lot of Hollywood types jumped into the gaming genre, claiming it's not much different than producing a movie. And what's been done a lot in the movie industry these days?

Investment bankers, private equity firms, angel investors, etc, etc, are all getting into the act.

Face it, gaming industry has gotten what it wanted, and it has becoming a "mainstream" business. And just like how internet companies were in the 90s and early 00s, after the business has gone mainstream (big enough), the thought is that it needs to be managed by "grown ups" that know what they are doing and be managed properly.

Don't expect anything to change much in the future, since the bigger the industry get, the more likely a quick cash out ideas are funded.
Arden said:
*sigh* haven't we suffered enough?

Everytime one thinks it must be finished now, they cant come up with something dumber they find something.
Well technicaly it IS some kind of innovation.It has also some immersion like uhm a depression or so.

But to answer your question, wait till they make remakes of shitty remakes :mrgreen:
This seems awesome. They'll keep all the things that made X-Com X-Com, like aliens, UFOs and things blowing up, but they'll update the gameplay to today's higher standards. I don't see how anyone could complain about this at all.
Per said:
This seems awesome. They'll keep all the things that made X-Com X-Com, like aliens, UFOs and things blowing up, but they'll update the gameplay to today's higher standards. I don't see how anyone could complain about this at all.

You botched the test so bad. Forget about becoming a Vault city citizen you... you....stinking mutant. GUARDS !!!
It's disturbing how much the trolling of mods and admins from NMA has gone up, lately.

Stanislao Moulinsky said:
The title should be "X-Com being made into an FPS...again".
My god. I watched it all. Couldn't believe my eyes.

I never knew that that was ever made.

It's fake, right?


Something in me just died.

edit: typo from teh SHOCK!
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
This wasn't enough...? :falloutonline:
Of course not, it lacked the "inmersion" factor of a First Person Shooter.

At least this could be considered a spin-off. They ain't stuck like us with a sequel that we can't pretend it doesn't exist.

Who knows, maybe the people who play this will become interested in X-Com and will look for the older games. It worked a bit for some Fallout fans, but this could be harder since it's butchering the whole genre completely. :|

Reconite said:
Gamers are not running the gaming industry anymore; businessmen are. "By gamers for gamers" is from a time gone by.
I'd say to just wait a few years and avoid these games from big publishers for a while. Indie gaming is worth keeping an eye out for, World of Goo surely had some great new gameplay.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
The title should be "X-Com being made into an FPS...again".

This wasn't enough...? :falloutonline:

Technically that was a third person shooter, and one I had chosen to pretend never existed.