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  1. Trithne

    Three things I honestly don't get in Fallout 3.

    In my opinion, they should've tried to make an RPG and not gone anywhere near the first-person viewpoint, but we've beaten that horse enough. Deus Ex managed to give incentive for increasing skills without having a truly incomprehensible damage system. And the DX system of wider crosshairs that...
  2. Trithne

    Why fallout 3 is different then Fallout 1 and 2

    Truth be told, I don't like CoH. Well I do, but I really can't get into it properly, because it's too micromanagement based in a real-time game. Great game, but it's practically a real-time Jagged Alliance. That said, DoW2 is a good example, and they probably could make a good RT tactics-like...
  3. Trithne

    Point Lookout press release, screenshots, trailer

    Why do I keep reading these news entries? They just make me sad. No consistency, no plot, the description of PL makes it sound like you'd go on a seaside holiday, which doesn't fit in the fallout world, who the hell is operating a ferry?
  4. Trithne

    Why fallout 3 is different then Fallout 1 and 2

    THQ don't make games, they're a publisher. You're thinking of their owned studios Relic Entertainment and Gas Powered Games, who make Dawn of War and Supreme Commander respectively.
  5. Trithne

    Three things I honestly don't get in Fallout 3.

    What is with damage in the Bethsoft games, actually? I remember when I was playing Oblivion and I was doing my usual stealth-type routine, snuck up on a sleeping hobo, stabbed him in the face and he got up and screamed, running away and calling the guards. Logically, if he's asleep, he dies. FO3...
  6. Trithne

    An Honest and Fair Way to Look at FO1 vs FO3

    Actually, I would prefer to not get a new Fallout game that "had" to change because of new technology or because isometric is "dead" (Diablo III wants a word with you). I detest overuse of an Intellectual Property over the making of a new one. And FO3 is the worst example of that ever. In a...
  7. Trithne

    An Honest and Fair Way to Look at FO1 vs FO3

    For the most part, your argument is solid, except I have to disagree with one part: . A series never needs a reboot. And changing the focus of a series is doing a disservice to the people who liked it in the first place purely to increase profit margin.
  8. Trithne

    Would you have liked Fallout 3 more if it were like STALKER?

    Yeah, STALKER is an incredibly great game, but it's not an RPG. It's like Deus Ex, you have choices, good choices, but it's still a shooter. A lot of the game still runs on the player's skill. I would've rathered FO3 be like FO1 and 2. (If you're playing STALKER now, I suggest getting...
  9. Trithne

    The RPG Genre is fucked up

    The trapper cave is kinda dungeony, but it's FO2, it did have a number of letdown points. That quote reminds me, however, of Bethesda's solution to everyone's complaints about enemy scaling in Oblivion. In Oblivion, you never met enemies stronger than you, or weaker than you. So in FO3, they...
  10. Trithne

    Aliens Invade Fallout 3

    Everyone needs a hobby.
  11. Trithne

    Bet on New Vegas

    Black Isle raiders were people who simple chose to make a living in the wastes by stealing what others made: Food, slaves, the lot. It made perfect sense and you could join them and everything. Bethesda raiders are presumably cannibals, wear spiky, ineffective armour for no good reason and...
  12. Trithne

    Replayability or glitchy games?

    I remember reading the 'roleplaying' threads about TES somewhere once. Which was mostly stupid, banal fluff about 'go sit in a bathtub for 15 minutes' or similar. Imagine you're playing a good game :)
  13. Trithne

    The RPG Genre is fucked up

    They went with 1st person PoV because they continue to believe that's more immersive. Forgetting immersion is more about consistency and not having ridiculous bugs. The gameplay is more a symptom of the same approach they use with the TES games: To them, fantasy is a knight on horseback...
  14. Trithne

    Aliens Invade Fallout 3

    The new Star trek is a reboot for a new, hip generation. Hence why they pulled that alternate universe bullshit (Which clashes with ST canon based on First Contact :D), so they could just say "lalala, it's not the Star Trek you watched", letting them run rampant with theming things however they...
  15. Trithne

    Replayability or glitchy games?

    That's what they pay beta testers to do. Constantly try and break the game.
  16. Trithne

    The RPG Genre is fucked up

    My experience in RPGs would classify The Glow as a dungeon. Not all encounters are combat. The Glow has numerous hazards, starting with the radiation, the traps, the power issues, the security bots if you want to raid it properly. The argument stands though. A dungeon doesn't have to be a...
  17. Trithne

    The RPG Genre is fucked up

    The glow. But there's a critical difference between how a dungeon should be done, and how it gets done in TES games. And FO3. A dungeon is fine if it makes sense, within the plot and the world.
  18. Trithne

    The RPG Genre is fucked up

    Lowest Common Denominator, but I figure you probably knew that anyway. I agree with the article, for the most part. RPGs are sanitised and their choices mostly just reflect doing thing x and being nice about it, or doing thing x and being a dick about it. What annoys me more about games...
  19. Trithne

    What we'd like to see in New Vegas?

    Because it needs to be said now, apparently: No aliens.
  20. Trithne

    Aliens Invade Fallout 3

    It's hideous. In the sense of 'that's a shitty texture job you did there boys', and the model is pretty poor too.