Three things I honestly don't get in Fallout 3.


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Well i might be getting a new comp and might be buying F3.

But from videos I've watched and such here's what I don't get:

1. The VATS system. What the heck? The system itself is OK but the enemies don't go into "VATS" mode when you do.
It's like their combat is slowed down even more than yours, they can't heal/use stims as easily as you by just pausing and their aiming doesn't get better. I bet you can beat anything with VATS if you know what you're doing and have a devent set of weapons.

2. The fact that a guy within the FIRST town you enter hires you to out of the blue use a nuke to blow it up is baffling.
For him to then trust you to go to his mansion, armed and "press the button" ... is moronic.
I mean to be able to do something like this in F2 or F1 you really had to earn peoples trust and this is freakin F3. It should've been even deeper.

3. Stuff has no real ways of going "around" the main quest in any way. You can't defeat the Enclave in the "final battle" without the huge robot. At the same time the huge robot can't die.
So you can basicly afk for 20 min and do nothing.

Is the game really worth buying despite these things?
Also, you can't join the Enclave on the main quest.

Do not buy it, and if you do, don't play without mods.
I am actualy surprised that there are only 3 things you dont understand. If I would start to count the things that make no sense to me ... maybe I would even go on with it till the next day.

But for the start, settlements witout defence and food supply surviving outside, slavers without anyone that is using slaves, raiders, mercenaries and robots runing around aimlessly in the wasteland, ruins filled with equipment, installations with working electricity or computers in the midle of nowhere without any visible power supply still working after 200 years and best of everything ... the ruins of DC blocked in every streat with big pieces of rubble that you have to spend 2 ours to get around when climbing over it would take 2 min ...

If you love games that do not need much thinking and enjoy a loto f shooting, Fallout 3 is the game for you. But if you have a hard time to close your brain while playing and thus asking yoru self "makes that even sense now?" ... you will not get that much fun out of the game (not in the same way as with Fallout 1 or 2, more in the sense like Tactics if you know what I mean). As one said already only with mods really to enjoy. Like Oblivion somewhat ... if you ever played that game
What I don't understand is how dumbed down this game is. I feel the attribute and skill system where put there only to keep a certain consistency with the other Fallout games because they don't mater at all. In Fallout 2, a misplaced point in your SPECIAL stats could mean all the difference. In Fallout 3, you can put them anywhere and it will never really mater, and the skill system is a real joke. Good thing I'm fixing all of that crap because I never made it past Springvale. I just can't play like that.
Crni Vuk,
If it was like Fallout Tactics it would've been better to me. I mean there the combat system makes sense. It's actually quite good. just doesn't. It's extremely in the favour of the player and to play "fair" you can't get into VATS not even once and then it's probably to hard.

I don't mind the game being a bit less "thinking" than Fallout 1/2...but it just looks moronic and easy.

So are there any mods that revert the problems of for example VATS and that add more depth?
I mean just the nuclear catapult is ...I mean...does it even radiate you?

Oh yeah, here's my biggest problem illustrated:
NO I mean the fact that it takes 32 shots to kill a guy in the head AND that in this time the enemy just gets out 5...6...7 shots.

Now the most plausible thing would be for him to either be so shocked that he cant hit you even once or twice or to also be able to hit you some 32 times if it was a true RPG.

Ofcourse the most plausible thing would be for him to die after a couple of headshots, tops.
the interesting part is that in Fallout 1/2 it usualy never took 32 shoots to the head to kill a person of course if every shoot hits the head. It takes even with a usual weapon not that much hits to kill a target in F1 or F2, the trick, as with most true RPGs is to actualy HIT your target. Hence why I never liked the FPS/RPG aproach of F3. Feels more like a shooter gone wrong, then a good mix.
radioactive_penguin said:
i don't remember could you join the enclave in the original i tended to blast my way through the oil rig and Navarro.

Well you couldn't because your QUEST was to save the village.
SO that was the MAIN quest.
Your MAIN quest is not to destroy the enclave in this game, it's like, nothing.
Crni Vuk said:
the interesting part is that in Fallout 1/2 it usualy never took 32 shoots to the head to kill a person of course if every shoot hits the head. It takes even with a usual weapon not that much hits to kill a target in F1 or F2, the trick, as with most true RPGs is to actualy HIT your target. Hence why I never liked the FPS/RPG aproach of F3. Feels more like a shooter gone wrong, then a good mix.

Well I don't get why it takes 32 shots in the head even if its a FPS/RPG mix.
How come weapons are so weak?

I mean it doesn't take 32 shots in Fallout 2, it doesn't take 32 shots in Half Life 2, except for like über shit monsters.

But it's because this whole piece is built on the damn Oblivion engine I guess in which stuff gets incredibly difficult to kill just cause you level up or something.
Headshot isn't instant death in Fallout1/2 because you cannot actually see where it hit from the sprites, so if the enemy didn't die you can imagine it got his ear, scratched his face or something like it, but the FO3 engine doesn't leave any space for imagination, because you actually saw it hit his forehead.
Kind of like watching a guard turned into a porcupine with arrows instead of spikes sticking out of his head and still coming at you. Moronic.
What is with damage in the Bethsoft games, actually? I remember when I was playing Oblivion and I was doing my usual stealth-type routine, snuck up on a sleeping hobo, stabbed him in the face and he got up and screamed, running away and calling the guards. Logically, if he's asleep, he dies. FO3 made you buy a perk for that, iirc. What the hell.
Sadly, these problems are the result of trying to mix the FPS and RPG genre. The game has to force you to give an incentive to level up, because otherwise you wouldn't be doing as much damage with the same gun. Bethesda did wrong on this, they should've tried making Fallout 3 into an FPS with RPG elements like STALKER instead of an RPG with FPS elements.
they should've tried making Fallout 3 into an FPS with RPG elements like STALKER instead of an RPG with FPS elements.
In my opinion, they should've tried to make an RPG and not gone anywhere near the first-person viewpoint, but we've beaten that horse enough. Deus Ex managed to give incentive for increasing skills without having a truly incomprehensible damage system. And the DX system of wider crosshairs that stabilise as you stand still (and in DX's case, do so faster with higher skill) is considered a standard part of FPS games, except, for some reason, console shooters.
Uhm. I actually love the first person view and the atmosphere and the graphics.

It's just so poorly excecuted. I just don't see the reason to why you need to shoot a guy 32 times in the face, on a FPS or a RPG:

If you miss, you miss. If you hit you hit.
1-5 hits on an unarmoured guy should be enough (to simulate the fact that it can hit in the ear or what ever).

And it's been enough for every form of RPG or FPS ever made which involved head shots. Not to mention the fact that with the VATS system you'll get out 10 hits before the enemy gets out a single one. Which is just unballanced.
There were so many things I could not get.

Fallout 1: How could people survive for 100 years sealed inside a Vault? From were do they get their Food? Why does Radiation mutate people instead of causing a lethal Cancer? Why is Radiation poisoning depicted as a minor Problem and easily cureable with a few medicaments? Why did so Master ignore the most obvious signs of Supermutant Sterility? Why does the BoS helps you at the Entrance of the Mariposa Base, but not inside?

Fallout 2: How is it possible, that a Character with lots of Skills in Weapons and Science starts primitive Wasteland Tribe with nearly no Technology? How it is possible to Tag Skills like Science, Big Guns or Energy Weapons, while your Tribes lives practically without Technology. How was the temple of Trials created, an extensive Network of Tunnels, while the Tribe lives outside in primitive huts? How does a City like New Reno live from Tourists in the middle of a Desert? How did the American Government survive for nearly 200 years on an Oil Platform and suddenly decide the process of rebuilding America requires killing every nearly every Survivor of the War they started? Who had the moronic idea of experimenting on the Vault Populations? The Vault Experiment contradict everything the Enclave stands for. The want a Wasteland without "Mutants". But why then are they using Vault Citizens for useless "social" experiments?

There are also lots of inconsitencies in Fallout 3. Where do the Children in Little Lamplight come from? Are they brought by the Stork? Where are the replenishments for the Supermutants come from? When you check the Labs in Vault 87, it's FEV Supply is already depleted. Why does Colonel Autumn accept an AI as President. From it's propaganda speeches it should be clear that the President/AI is crazy and the plug should be pulled. How is the Enclave able to manufacture hundreds of new Advanced Power Armor ll? How is it possible that Food that was packaged 200 years ago is still edible? Where do the Robots come from? 200 years after the War, attacking everything in the Wasteland and never running out of Ammo?

There are probably a lot more, but Fallout 3 is not the only Game suffering from it. Fallout 1 and 2 also had these problems.

Ok, now back to the regular Fallout 3 Bashing..
Fallout 2 has been criticized extensively for its inconsistencies. I wish people would stop pretending we coddle it and only bash Fallout 3.

Most of your problems with Fallout 1 stem from you not grasping the setting: it's retro-50s, it utilizes "Science!" and retro-50ish explanations and structure when it comes to questions of advanced technology and the effects of radiation poisoning.