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  1. Trithne

    Bethesda Vs. Black Isle: Sex, Brats, And Addiction

    That's really part of the whole 'emulating p&p' thing. Descriptions like that are normal in such an environment.
  2. Trithne

    Impressions thread for negative impressions

    Playing Mass Effect, I disagree about Bioware. I really get the feeling with Bioware games that I have one or two paths, which are usually combat or dialogue if you're lucky. Most of the 'choice' in a Bioware game is choosing how you fight.
  3. Trithne

    Fallout 3 Compendium - Release 12 - Beta v0.6.0.2

    I think it's more important that, rather than making the final battle more 'epic', make it less so, and avoidable. This is fallout. You should be able to talk your way through the end of the game. Or science it.
  4. Trithne

    1UP interview with Emil

    200 years after nuclear war? Yes. Because there isn't a working class anymore. And if the Enclave were going to do anything, it would've been a lot sooner. That's the problem. Their stuff doesn't make logical sense.
  5. Trithne

    Horribly horribly ugly faces...

    Tessera, who does absolutely brilliant models for TES4, amongst other things. When you see what he's done with the Gamebyro engine, you can only weep at how shit Beth's modellers must be. Also, his 'review' of FO3 is here
  6. Trithne

    NMA's Fallout 3 Mod Showcase: 27th December 2008

    The real problem is that Bethsoft, with Fallout3 and Oblivion, break a key rule of games story writing. Don't overshadow the player, and certainly not at the climax. Oblivion you pressed a switch and watched a dragon beat the big bad. Uhm. Yay. I really feel awesome now. These scripted fighting...
  7. Trithne

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #87

    Meh, let him get to 100 to assuage his savage ego. Plus, it's fun to see how far critics have fallen.
  8. Trithne

    Easter egg armor

    There'd have to be a skinning minigame.
  9. Trithne

    [SPOILERS] Super Mutants in Fallout 3

    Not really how government contracts work though. Generally they go out to whoever says they can do it the cheapest.
  10. Trithne

    Talking heads!

    I'm pretty sure Todd's enthusiasm for violence and exploding cars is entirely his own.
  11. Trithne

    Will Fallout 3 be remembered?

    GotY doesn't really equal rememberance. In fact, GotY is pretty silly to quote for anything, because my GotY isn't going to be your GotY, and that goes for different magazines, etc too. According to gamespot, the 2000 console GotY (back then, GS had PC and console games separate) was Chrono...
  12. Trithne

    [IDEA] New Companion

    Because he could be useful? Because you're also an evil bastard? By the end of Tranquility Lane, you've damned Braun to an eternity trapped, alone, in his own simulated world. Were you to offer him the chance to escape that, even indebted to you, I can see him taking it, and I can see...
  13. Trithne

    Game Secrets

    I don't think "Yao Guai" bears means what you think it does Joe. "Yao Guai" is Chinese for "Monster", roughly. So any connection you're making there is coincidental.
  14. Trithne

    Fallout 3's commercial success

    Or where their priorities lies: More cash > Consistency.
  15. Trithne

    As far as I'm concerned,Fallout 3 never happened. *spoilers*

    Not killing kids - We knew that was coming, media scrutiny is a lot higher these days. Little Lamplight, however, was just a Dick Move on the part of Bethesda, taking into account invulnerable kids. I could've lived with the invulnerable kids were it not for that "town".
  16. Trithne

    Gun "nut" they are not.

    The difference is that in STALKER your character's skill is still tied to the player's skill. In an RPG, that should not be the case. The point behind the RPG is that someone who isn't good at reflex-based gaming could play a character who has the skills they don't. Same for things like...
  17. Trithne

    Padding out The Power Of The Atom

    This has potential. Think about it: One of the big ironies of Fallout is that nuclear weapons, which destroyed the world, are also what saves it. In FO1, you use a nuclear bomb to destroy the Cathedral. IIRC, you do similar to destroy the Oil Rig in FO2. Yet in FO3 you can set one off in your...
  18. Trithne

    Is it really only me?

    Not meaning to mess with your head too much, but if you happen to speak Japanese their VA'ing is just as grating on the ears too. The swallowing noise was a bit much, as I recall, but yeah, it shouldn't be hard to just remove the file and replace it with blank audio. That'd be the easiest way...
  19. Trithne

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #80

    Per man, stop before you kill yourself!
  20. Trithne

    Vanished into thin air!

    I have to agree. I was annoyed, even in earlier FO games, how combat was entirely forced upon you. It'd open up so many avenues for the speech-based character, rather than needing to run away from the NPCs who aren't coded to respond to discourse.