Fallout 3 Compendium - Release 12 - Beta v0.6.0.2

Attack targeting is being addressed with the new AI programming, as npcs are force-fed combat commands 80% of the time, rather than allowing the engine to make decisions for them.

Prices are a little off right now, I know.

The variety of weapons and skill of the enemy with that weapon is being improved in the next version, partly thanks to the new AI.

The XP formula is still a bit of a mystery.

Item degradation and repairing is being rehashed for the next version because of the new mechanics of armor penetration. The rate at which a gun loses condition will vary depending on the type of round being fired with it. Some guns will load cartridges they are technically not supposed to, which causes increased wear to the internal mechanisms. Also, weapon repair (for firearms) is being based on a concept of salvaging an item for parts, which weigh less than the original, and using those to repair a wider variety of items. The same is true for armor, however armor will hit a baseline level of protection at '0'% condition. Armor will provide a condition-based level of protection called AC, that can rapidly degrade depending on the armor. Example, vault security body armor is very effective at stopping bullets, but will quickly lose that primary-degree of protection.
I think that exp rate is basicly good and comparing it to f1/f2 is no good since u did got higher lvl cap ther further more u got alot of side quests ther not to mention random encounters
exp rate of vanilla f3 u mean?
its ridiculously EASY, i was level 20 aka max before i even encountered half of locations :S

dubby, do you plan on raising level cap to 50 or to whatever?

also maybe giving the player a perk only every 3 levels might be a good idea, since perks are more of "yeah, perk again!!!" then

on the other hand, you can leave the perk rate as it is, and make alot of (weaker then in f1/2) cummulative perks, like "this perk gives u + 5% BlaBla" , and the player can gather all ranks of those perks then or get just a few and let it be

also, check out this mod, the guy made AP burn in realtime only while you are in CAUTION and DANGER modes and some more AP/VATS modifications that might be interesting for your work:



another rant about the easyness of the game:
the end of main quest (going with BOS to the purifier and killing Autumn) was also ridiculously easy since the dumb robot did all the work for you, and the final battle vs Autumn was just..omfg, why do a final battle in such a small location? remember the final battle of duke nukem? in the stadium? thats a location :D but small control room of the purifier? cmon.. the behemoth at GNR was far more dramatic then the end battle. is it possible to make liberty prime die on 1/4 way to the destination, add more enclaves + autumn with his crew outside, near the purifier?
JayTheGay said:

Looked at the script. Not the best way to handle it, imo. Leaves little to no power to the editor and can be prone to errors.
I think it's more important that, rather than making the final battle more 'epic', make it less so, and avoidable. This is fallout. You should be able to talk your way through the end of the game. Or science it.
generally not a bad basic idea, but talking your way past a berserk nazi who wants to kill everyone in the wasteland with a virus? i mean cmon, in this quest you already can talk Eden into destroying himself along with a whole enclave base, jsut like that. so there gotta be also some real bad-ass who is just too much of a psychopath to talk to. if you overdo the "you can make it every way u like" thing, everything gets just unrealistic. some people cant be reasoned with. as well as some quests cant be completed with force or without a certain skill.

what would make sence is a middle-thing like in f2- you could use speech on the soldiers to turn them on horrigan, you could use science skill to hack the computer and turn the turrets on him, or you could just steal presidents key and activate computer with it.
but you still had to fight the bad guy no matter what, even if fighting him would mean hiding in the corner and watchign everyone of your new allies + the turrets kill him.

but in fallout 3 you dont get any advantages for the fight vs autumn from speech or science, and for the entire part before u meet him you get that stupid huge robot to fight for you, even if you dont want it and want to have a huge long fight against those enclave soldiers instead.

i think it would be a nice feature if liberty prime would become functional only if player has like 100 science and repair skills + completes a small repair sidequest or something like that. otherwise no robot who does all the fighting for you. so the fighters can have their fight and the tech nerds can enjoy their "creation" working for them. as i seen the robot for the first time i was 99% sure that there will be a sidequest for repairing him, but no, you just get him for free.

bethesda have also overdone it for random loot containers. for almost every locked random safe you have a terminal as well, so the poor bastards who got some science skill but no lockpick (like myself the last time i played) will not be sad.. might be sometimes sencefull, in some old buildings or whatever, but at a raider hideout in the severs, or in some cave? makes lockpick skill less valuable and the game more..forgiving
The fact is that overall there were far too few conversation options based on any of your stats. When I took the Ladykiller perk, I assumed that almost every female in the game would have additional conversations but I was sorely mistaken. Conversation is not this game's strongpoint.
I have three related questions

Do we know when the famous anchorage DLC will be available?

When will the next edition of this mod will be available?

How sure are you that they'll be compatible?

I don't want to download the mod yet... I'm just a little bit scared it would fuck up my game...

Oh and about the "conversation not being the strong point of this game"... talk about an understatement!

Oh, final question about this mod, I've seen that bobblehead don't give any skill point anymore... but do they have any utility? I'm a huge fan of those "collectible" things and I think it would be a shame to render them useless. Maybe they could be used as one time bonuses, maybe they could give some bonus to certain perks, maybe they could unlock certern perks... I don'T know... but I still think it would be a shame not to give them a good reason to exist.
Bobbleheads, Gotta Catch'em All!

They surely are another spawn of contemporary gaming trends, slipped inside the original licence.

Thinking about giving them some usefulness once you've stripped the ridiculous skill bonuses, what comes to mind is that quest you get in New Reno in FO2, where Miss Kitty, at the Cat's Paw, asks you to bring her 10 of those rare Cat's Paw magazines.

This quest was different in that you didn't try to complete it once you got it. On the first playthrough at least, it took quite a long time finding all those magazines, some even being found by mistake, which would remind you of the quest waiting to be completed.

Bobbleheads could make a good support for a quest of this sort, maybe in link with the discovery of abandonned (or not) Vault-Tec bureau or headquarters...
nice idea soviet

i would combine it with removing the skill7stat bonus, they are just overpowered.

@ ladykiller perk: yeah, i thought exactly the same!
but so far (second playthrough on half way) i only had the option to persuade the antagonizer (and even that in a pretty nonsexual way, too, just average bla-bla "i trust in you" stuff)
Lady killer isn't about sex... and strangely enough it isn't about killing either it seems. At least not in the speech options. Antagonizer, the old Agatha and another one were my only real options that I can remember. And I stayed nice pretty much all the time.

But then again, even without good perks this game is too easy anyway...

Hey, great idea for the bobbleheads in the mod: if you collect them all you can get mysterious perk but instead of a Humphrey Bogart wannabe you get Fallout Boy...

Okay... maybe something else...
If you use the "Seducing Women" mod on Fallout 3 Nexus, LadyKiller actually serves a purpose and does become about sex. ;)

It gives players with LadyKiller perk extra dialogue options when speaking to some other female characters in the game. Specifically, you can try a tricky speech challenge to try and seduce them. I had a speech skill around 60% and the challenge success chance of the two women I tried to seduce was about 15%. As you can imagine, had to reload game a whole bunch of times before succeeding!

And then, when you "seduce" them, there's a chance you perform badly and they aren't very impressed. If you do well they make some nice comment and you get some experience points. It's somewhat amusing, and I thought the dialogue for Scribe Yearling (the lady in the library) was pretty well done!
well, that mod sounds interesting, but i dindt mean that i ONLY want to seduce everyone, that too, but i was thinkin more of talking them into doing stuff i need them to do using my don-juan´ness...with or without actually going to bed with them before/afterwards
like in real life, an attractive girl would more likelly get you to help her by making you think she is interested in you, and maybe she would f*** you to get you to do what she needs. stuff like that
boundrose said:
Found a bug:

When i try to equip a molotov cocktail game crashes.

Only happens with some people.

F3C Update

The next release will include -only- the following:
  • Guns with more than one ammo type
  • Armor penetration mechanics
  • Body Armor combined with its related Helmet piece, (example: equipping power armor will automatically equip the power armor helmet too, there will not be an individual power armor helmet item)
  • An Install & Load primer that lets the user configure F3C settings (Many of them)
  • User configurations which can be managed when Fallout 3 loads
  • F3C Balance tweaks to HP (configurable)
  • F3C's Run & Gun Mode (configurable)
  • Ammo weight (configurable)

It will also (very likely) require the use of FOSE. In which case, the latest version will be included in the auto-installer.
"User configurations which can be managed when Fallout 3 loads "
LOL pressure of community ^^

"Body Armor combined with its related Helmet piece, (example: equipping power armor will automatically equip the power armor helmet too, there will not be an individual power armor helmet item) "
Armour this set include previous helmet def, rad,PE and other bonuses, will this be only for power armours or other armours like battle armour or claw company armours?
And lastly if ther are whole sets will NPC armours will be set to (example:lyons company armour) ?
ok, as promiced, here is fast but dramatic VATS version, made from fastvats mod.

i added slight slow mo to dramatic hits. bugs possible with nades (they dont hit target sometimes), didnt test those yet! but updates to come!
read full description under the link

enjoy and feel free to include in your mod everyone!

@dubby, everythign sounds nice except one point: why force helmets?

the possibility to separatelly equip armour and its helmet was awsome!
also the fact that finding/buying an armour or a helmet didnt automatically mean finding its counterpart. makes perfect sence- a cheap merchant can possibly have some lousy combat helmet, but the shiny suit to it got lost or sold to another guy, whatsoever.

i would actually prefer the armour to be even more modular then it is. because its more realistic. not for PA of course, its a solid suit, but for example metal could be divided into right/left arm protectors, right/left shin protectors, right/left thigh protectors, torso armour, helmet.. crotch armour.. (haha, why they took groin aim away from the game?!)

post-apocalyptic world is all about scavenging stuff together, you seldom find a fully functioning suit of whatever, you are most likelly to make yourself shoulder protectors from truck tires, like the raiders got.

another point: if you are really into roleplaying your char, you would for example put off your helmet while in a secure city, talking to people. ESPECIALLY the PA helmet. in fallout 1/2 it was ok due to isometric, but i kinda cant have my char talking to friendly people with a bucket on his head :S

also, many PEOPLE (hope the automatic correction tool bitching about me writing "p.p.l." instead of "people" chokes on correctness now) enjoy wearing their armour without the helm even in combat, because it looks kinda cool ^^ .. ofc its dumb to go into a battle without a helmet, but i dont think that taking away this realistic freedom from the players is a good decision.

aesthetic character creation and look is a big part of the game now, and not allowing you to put down your helmet when you want to do so is quite contraproductive.
A notice to everyone: his mod kicks arse. :)

Oh, and I agree with you about the seperate helmet thing. I love wearing classic stylish hats, and often choose to wear one regardless of the rest of my outfit. So I go around in power armour and a fedora hat. 8-)

Plus I recall in Fallout 1 seeing Brotherhood of Steel members wearing just the armour and not the helmet. So it would be a bit daft it putting on the armour forced you to wear the helmet.

JayTheGay said:
well, that mod sounds interesting, but i dindt mean that i ONLY want to seduce everyone, that too, but i was thinkin more of talking them into doing stuff i need them to do using my don-juan´ness...with or without actually going to bed with them before/afterwards

Oh I agree there should definately be a mod that adds more non-sex options for lady killer/black widow. But it's a start. The creator updates the mod quite frequently with more stuff (every few days!), and I doubt he'll go crazy and let you be able to sleep with every woman in the wasteland (lol), so I imagine that he'll start adding extra Lady Killer options to get bonuses of some kind rather than sex.

A nice touch is that today I noticed it added a lady killer option for Brick, the heavy weapons girl in Riley's Rangers, but when I tried it she scoffed and said she liked men with more meat on their bones. There was no speech challenge, no option to change her mind - I simply wasn't her kind of guy. Perhaps if I had a high strength stat? And I'd still probably have to pass a hard speech challenge too! Just cause "lady killer" means you are attractive, doesn't mean women become "easy"!