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  1. H

    Zero Punctuation

    eh, the other topic (about his fallout 3 review) got locked before I could leave this post. His reviews were funny for the first few, then they lost appeal like listening to every other critic these days. Also, if your taking his reviews seriously then you are a forgettable government...
  2. H

    Improvements over Oblivion

    I'm not sure because I never brought the weird science chemical set, but couldn't you make stuff with it as well as cure addictions? I don't think flour was there for no reason unless it was for that nuka pie?
  3. H

    Reference to NMA in Fallout 3 ?!?!?!??!

    I thought this too when philips was talking to chief gustavo, but I don't think Bethesda could be witty enough for an intentional message.
  4. H

    What did Bethesda actually do better than Black Isle?

    Now it's time to fear 2011-2012. Knowing Bethesda, they're probably already started another beautiful story line, unless we're to expect elder scrolls 5 2009-10
  5. H

    Fallout 4 Wish List

    This, or release a different version on the PC.
  6. H

    Pic of the day

    Actually, my image I entered into the caption contest looks strangely like an art drawing, if those green markers weren't on it, I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference probably. [spoiler:7b577b1507][/spoiler:7b577b1507]
  7. H

    NMA Caption Contest.

    If you have fraps, use that instead for getting funny screen shots, that way you won't miss them.
  8. H

    So, uh, did anyone like it?

    I enjoyed it when not doing the main quest.
  9. H

    How Power Armour Should've Worked

    Actually, I have been meaning to tell people about this. This will involve a spoiler but will show you that you can finish the game in around 3-4 hours with power armor training etc. [spoiler:04b872ca9e]I haven't properly checked all the possibility's, but as soon as you leave vault 101...
  10. H

    NMA Caption Contest.

    Every time I got the critical vault boy face, I kept thinking of the 360 kid, the smile was just too hard to pass up.
  11. H


    As far as I have seen, you can get added skill points above 100 be it from a stealth boy or equipment etc.
  12. H

    NMA Caption Contest.

    righto, these are my images (pm me if you can get all the references :boy: ) entry #1 (the redone one) entry #2 entry #3 [spoiler:0b7dc609eb][/spoiler:0b7dc609eb] bah, i wish photobucket wouldn't shrink them
  13. H

    NMA Caption Contest.

    Well I just wanted to make the gordon freeman one a bit better just in case it was chosen. But sure I'll repost them all together. (be right back, only got a few hours left)
  14. H

    NMA Caption Contest.

    i meant the presentation i'll pm you
  15. H

    NMA Caption Contest.

    guessing no one will answer the my questions (and i had a pretty funny caption to use for a certain screen shot) oh well guess i'll have to use this alternative last entry [spoiler:77d1cd3db5][/spoiler:77d1cd3db5] hope you guys do answer my question because i'd hate to have my other...
  16. H

    NMA Caption Contest.

    second entry, felt you guys needed fallout humor instead of half life 2 hopefully you played fallout 3 to understand this :) two questions: can I remove an entry? how detailed can the caption be? (does it have to be simple or can it have all sorts of stuff?)
  17. H

    NMA Caption Contest.

    Not quite sure, while picking them up and painstakingly setting them up, it did remind me of captain morgan's rum. But who knows, maybe whiskey bottles looked like that back in the day.
  18. H

    NMA Caption Contest.

    Well I guess I should give it a shot now that I'm waiting for a modkit, here's my first entry. (sorry about the white border, photobucket being weird?) take note, that's the medic power armor (the signs on the shoulder pad) that talks and heals you, so I figured it would tie in well for...
  19. H

    Only three complaints.

    I haven't had a problem with the vats so far but I do have one other little complaint. And that is the pointlessness in crippling the targets arms, legs etc (except for the behemoth's but then again you have the fat man). I probably aimed for the head 90% of the time.
  20. H

    Only three complaints.

    1. Not enough perks. 2. Leveling cap/leveling too easy. 3. The story. These being the only ones I can think of but they are drastic ones. 1. There was only a few good perks to choose from, the rest were just buff ups and didn't feel worth the time and some which shouldn't be there at...