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  1. G

    Fallout 76 Nukes Lore and Releases

    Holy hell. MODUS really is just the Calculator from Tactics. Vault Tec starting the Great War? Weeeew lads. I'm not even mad. I've come to expect such stupidity from Bethsoft.
  2. G

    50 Minutes of 76

    Wait, the Mothman is a legit super natural entity? Well, that would explain it's teleportation ability. So, this pharmaceutical company finds some random mushrooms and for reasons does stuff with them? Yikes. If I recall the Scorch Beast is some sort of mutant bat/genetically engineered...
  3. G

    Fallout 76 on pc

    I'm convinced Starfield AND the next Elder Scrolls will be on the ahem "Creation Engine". If they legit make a new, from scratch Engine for TES 6, I'll be surprised.
  4. G

    50 Minutes of 76

    That is awful convenient. So the Scorched Plague killed EVERYONE, even guys in power armor...just oof. Bets on if West tek did it.
  5. G

    Does Fallout 76 have a story?

    Story is virtual nonexistent. Seems to be a small story based around the scorched and the hive mind fungus that controls them. Instead we have stories like two lovers running from the Brotherhood for some reason.
  6. G

    50 Minutes of 76

    Mega oof. Honestly the Appalachia setting isn't a bad idea, but everything I've seen from the gameplay loop isn't at all appealing to me. Loot n shoot can be fun but 76 looks janky as hell.
  7. G

    Unpopular Fallout Opinions

    I think that's on the reasons why I liked FoT and the Mid West Brotherhood so much Dutch, it felt there was some effort to try something new. I do like the fact they are referenced in FO3, NV and FO4 I think and I know Scribe Rothchilde mentions them falling on hard times and not being nearly as...
  8. G

    Unpopular Fallout Opinions

    -Fallout Tactics a severally underrated game. I really did like the Mid West BoS, as they are a legit splinter faction separate from the West Coast BoS. -Speaking of FoT, the Power Armor in Tactics is a good design IMO -Fo3 and 4 had potential and lots of squandered opportunities. -I think the...
  9. G

    Fallout 76 on pc

    It seems that Beths continued piss poor performance keeps coming back to the ancient engine. Are they ever gonna invest in something more modern?
  10. G

    50 Minutes of 76

    Oof. I totally forgot about the Vertibots...yeah, it's dumb as hell. I'm legit curious to see just how fucked the lore gets...just shake my damn head. I don't think I can subject myself to AJ though lol
  11. G

    50 Minutes of 76

    Aye Dutch. I tend to think we're getting FO5 sooner than most people think. Sure, we have Starfield and ES 6, but make no mistake, FO5 is in the pre-planning stages.
  12. G

    MATN Fallout 76

    "It's sooooo dark you guys, it's almost like the older games." Yes, in the same game with 95% of the play base running around in their underwear with birthday hats on.
  13. G

    50 Minutes of 76

    I'm gonna have to second that. 76 is really turning into a dumpster fire and i'm actually glad to see the backlash Bethsoft is getting.
  14. G

    50 Minutes of 76

    Wait, what? According to the video above, one of the quests involves the Brotherhood actually wasting time chasing after a random couple?
  15. G

    Fallout 76 - My Impressions

    Kudos for the impressions. It sounds like 76 turn out just like I though it would. I'm gonna have to wait for people to explore the game more, cause I'm legit curious to why we have construction power armor all of a sudden lol. Maybe people salvaged some frame and customized them.
  16. G

    Fallout 4 vs Fallout 2

    Honestly Fallout 2 showed progress as we see society getting back on track with the NCR have a sizable army and population. Fallout 4 on the other hand, is utterly unrelated to FO3 save a few minor points. Instead of Talon Mercs, we have the Gunners, who are more or less, the same thing and just...
  17. G

    Fallout: New California - BETA is out!

    I've been watching someone play it on youtube, and yeah, the Shi being Japanese instead of Chinese all of a sudden with Wasteland Samurai is pretty off putting but apparently it's explained in the story I've heard.
  18. G

    Fallout 76

    Who's ready for yet another Combat Armor model fam? This piece of gear has peaked my interest into just what Bethsoft is gonna pull in 76. While it does bare a passing resemblance to the FO4 one, which itself was an older model than even the FO3 one.
  19. G

    50 Minutes of 76

    Honestly, if 76 was another single player, fun for about 20 hours, Bethsoft romp to kill sometime, I'd be more forgiving. But their desire to have it be an buy the numbers loot n shoot, it's a pass for me. I will admit to just how bad the lore is gonna be borked over this. Because Bethsoft HAD...
  20. G

    50 Minutes of 76

    Didn't the BoS mention the Super Mutants in Fo3 being already entrenched in D.C by the time they got there? Seriously, do we need a new batch of Super Mutants every game? Half the stuff they add in 76 lore wise punches gaping holes in the stuff they wanted to establish in FO3 and 4.