First time out of the vault

The themes of Fallout 2 is that the Enclave is pure evil holding onto it's past. That even American ideas can be tainted into Nazism, and that lack of both care and critical thinking every Enclave character demonstrates why they need to be destroyed completely. There's nothing remotely redeeming about the Enclave. Caesar is wrong, the Master is wrong, the Enclave is totailtirain to the point they are anti-life. If they wanted to cure mutants, and the cure would kill 10-20% of the wastelanders, they'd have a point (but would probably have to be stopped)
They aren't pure evil. That is a misnomer. They are a pastiche of what a lot of people thought of the American government, or at least the crazier side of it. You've got secret experiments on people, you've got 'black helicopters' full of faceless enforcers, you've got a batshit crazy president aided by imbecile puppets, you've got chemical weapons and a shoot-on-sight mentality towards deviancy.
But they're not evil. They can't be. There are plenty of guys and gals in Navarro who actually believe they are doing the right thing. Obviously, you're not gonna just switch sides and join them though. They are still wrong. I like the fact that morality in the first games isn't black and white all the time. And don't anyone dare draw parallels with my arguments and Hitler. That's a sure fire way to start a flame war haha.