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  1. G

    Wasted Potential

    Pretty much this. The Gunners are simply a re-skinned Talon Company. Both are well armed and have access to lots of high end gear, as well as just kinda being there. lol yeah. I facepalmed hard at that.
  2. G

    Wasted Potential

    Fallout 4, like Fallout 3 is loaded with wasted potential. Gunners? Very powerful merc group that could have easily filled the role of a secondary antagonist, but is more or less the Talon Mercs from FO3 and are generic baddies to kill for loot. Also the Railroad, who I'm glad I wiped out since...
  3. G

    The 'MrMattyPlays' Fallout 4 Review "A Near Perfect Game"

    I saw his review. It's about what I expected. FO4 is no where near a "near perfect" game. I mean, I suppose it is if you "ZOMG DAT PHAT L00T YO MUH BORDERLANDS!" type of affair.
  4. G

    Weapons and armors

    Of all things, I'm not sure why they chose to redesign the combat armor. If it was like say like a scout model or something, but I guess they felt the need to redesign it.
  5. G

    Weapons and armors

    Yeah. Some of the designs are certain out there. The heavy machine gun cosplaying as an assault rife is pretty funny. Also, what's up with Combat Armor? It's looks nothing like the previous one. The base model also has nearly worthless plate coverage lol.
  6. G

    [POLL] Is Fallout 4 better than Fallout 3?

    Overall, it's better than F04 by a country mile. However, that's not a high bar to cross. FO4 does have slightly better writing, voice acting and whatnot, but it's still pretty weak on the story line front. This is especially true if you join the institute and do their quest line.
  7. G

    Bethesda's Lore Recons

    According to the Fallout wiki, the T-60 apparently entered service at the very end of Anchorage or sometime shortly after. I don't see the reason for it honestly. Hell a loading screen says the T-51b was the pinnacle of Power Armor that the military had. I honestly thought the T-60 was an...
  8. G

    Silver Shroud (some spoilers)

    A game can still be lackluster (which FO4 is IMO) but at the same time you can enjoy elements and have fun with the game. The Silver Shroud quest is fun I thought.
  9. G

    So, can we talk about what Fallout 4 does well?

    Power Armors, crafting and modding and general exploration. If you ignore the Z grade story and it's a decent game.
  10. G


    I have Piper (she's not that bad of a character as I originally thought) as my companion and she does grow on your, but yes, Codsworth along with Nick and Cait are probably the only good characters. It's pretty amazing how scattershot Bethesda's writing is at times though.
  11. G

    Muties in Fallout 4

    Yeah. These Super Mutants are another group created by The Institute and for seemingly no reason. But hey, new Fallout game needs new Super Mutants according to Bethesda.
  12. G

    Yep. I'm with ya on this Dutch. Some stuff is alright, but also some seriously stupid stuff as...

    Yep. I'm with ya on this Dutch. Some stuff is alright, but also some seriously stupid stuff as well i.e a friggin' Alien Quest ><.
  13. G

    Bethesda's Lore Recons

    Well, I'm not 100% certain how it was in Fallout 1 and 2, but according to the Boston Bugle computers, people knew of the Oil Rig and Raven Rock pre-war and knew that the President and former government went there ahead of the nukes.
  14. G

    Cabot House (SPOILERS)

    Sweet lord...that does sounds like something Bethsoft would do.
  15. G

    Cabot House (SPOILERS)

    I have to say, Bethesda's insistence on making these silly Aliens part of canon is pretty annoying. In Fallout 3 we got an entire DLC devoted to them and the one tape that seems to them being the reason for the Great War. In FO4 we have an entire quest that sounds like a rejected script to...
  16. G

    Bethesda's Lore Recons

    Oh, for frigs sake, really? First they retconned the T-60 as the last PA and now we have yet another new batch of Super Mutants? Ugh.
  17. G

    The writing is beyond abysmal and the first hint of this is the introduction

    Nothing wrong with liking FO4. I'm enjoying it, but I can admit it has some serious flaws namely the no surprises, cliche' story and the utterly lackluster dialog. Much like Skyrim they provide a large world to have fun in, but at the cost of a genuine RPG experience IMO.
  18. G

    The writing is beyond abysmal and the first hint of this is the introduction

    By and large, I'm not super impressed by the writing. It's pretty run of the mill Bethsoft level with lots of cliche' melodrama and the same father/son routine that FO3 had. FO4 isn't bad, but it's not great either. It's comfort food. It's fun to play if you want some time to kill.
  19. G

    Cabot House (SPOILERS)

    Ho-ho-holy shit lol. Again, Bethsoft with the Ayy Lmao's lol
  20. G

    Main Questline: Better or worse than Fallout 3's?

    About the same IMO. Emil just isn't that great of a writer...but he's probably still win another writing award lol