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  1. Mr.Stalin

    Item weight and inventory stats - Wants to make item weigh less than 1 lbs.

    hehe, there really is a bug. TransEnergy = 0008 0000 HiddenItem = 0800 0000 ShootThru = 8000 0000 0080 0000 <<< set flag to item
  2. Mr.Stalin

    Item weight and inventory stats - Wants to make item weigh less than 1 lbs.

    I gave an example. in general, this item can not be seen in the game if it is in the inventory of the NPC and it seems that they do not weigh anything.
  3. Mr.Stalin

    Various modding questions

    NPCs have two slots, and they always use weapons from the right slot.
  4. Mr.Stalin

    Various modding questions

    for next sfall: get_object_data(combat_data, C_ATTACK_HIT_MODE) returns current attack mode (ATKTYPE_* sfall.h) for more information, see the get_attack_type function.
  5. Mr.Stalin

    Item weight and inventory stats - Wants to make item weigh less than 1 lbs.

    This is necessary for critters, such as the death hand claw item. so that the player does not see this item in his inventory and it does not drop out when the critter is killed.
  6. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 utility sfall script editor - dialog functions config?

    It is difficult for me to explain all this to you in a foreign language. This is necessary to configure macros for dialog functions for building dialog diagrams in the visual editor. This is such experimental stuff that doesn't work very well yet.
  7. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 utility sfall script editor - dialog functions config?

    If you don't understand what it says, then you don't know what it's for. :) ps: I need to release the next version of the editor.
  8. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 mod Status on Mutant Rising?

    you need to understand the game's modding, i.e. know how the game's scripting system works.
  9. Mr.Stalin

    Item weight and inventory stats - Wants to make item weigh less than 1 lbs.

    It is pointless to do something via script, without support from the engine, you will get some glitches in the implementation.
  10. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 mod Status on Mutant Rising?

    Will you stop salting your patient? he has comatose for 10 years)) Lay out the mod as it is, someone will take it and finish it, it will be better than it will be a dead weight lying around you.
  11. Mr.Stalin

    Various modding questions

    "AfterHitRoll" - this is what changes the result of the critical roll, nothing else affects critical result. use the flags to change the critical states. #define C_ATTACK_FLAGS_SOURCE (0x14) // see DAM_* values in define.h #define C_ATTACK_FLAGS_TARGET (0x30) // see DAM_* What...
  12. Mr.Stalin

    Various modding questions

    Read the specification for the proto file. All values in the define files .h set correctly. #define PROTO_FLAG_EXT (24) - Primary/Secondary Attack Type 0x000000SP #define PROTO_WP_ANIM (36) - character animation
  13. Mr.Stalin

    Various modding questions

    add a new key: map[key] = val try
  14. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    Of course right. I'm using these videos for further tests.
  15. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    No problems were noticed when playing video in the game. My System: w7, DirectX9, K-Lite Codec Pack installed, video card NVIDIA :)
  16. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 mod BIS Mapper error initializing video

    Mapper can be run in the window mode without these dances.:postviper: need special sfall for Mapper
  17. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    I'm telling you that there are no strict parameters for the video. the main thing is that the time of the video coincides with the original one (this is necessary for syncing subtitles) Send a link to the video I'll see what's wrong with fps
  18. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    Convert this to the correct fps, in virtualdub for example.
  19. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    There are no correct or pre-defined parameters for the avi videos, all playback is performed under Windows (DirectShow). The game sends an AVI file there and gets only the rendered image as a texture and puts it on the game window. All settings are made in your installed decoders in Windows.
  20. Mr.Stalin

    FO/FO2 Map Viewer

    I had an idea to make a map editor based on your code to replace dims mapper, because dims mapper uses an outdated programming language that has become a very inconvenient language (for me personally). Maybe you should consider your program as an editor, it will be more useful than a simple...