Hey guys.
I want to make certain items, stimpaks for example, weigh less than a pound.
My current understanding is that u can't directly change an item's weight to a non integer. At least not via proto editor. I also guess u can't do it through scripting, since this is an integer (please correct me if I'm wrong.)
So, I was thinking about compiling a global script which checks how many stimpaks, for example, u have, and divide said amount by, lets say 6, than add that number to your current weight. This will be automatically rounded, but that's fine for me.
Problem is, I can't find the command which adds to your (or your companion's) current weight.
tl;dr - Is there a command with which I can affect current weight, adding or removing from it (for both PC and NPC)? If not, then what would you suggest to do in order to simulate items weighing less than a single pound (Lbs.)?
I want to make certain items, stimpaks for example, weigh less than a pound.
My current understanding is that u can't directly change an item's weight to a non integer. At least not via proto editor. I also guess u can't do it through scripting, since this is an integer (please correct me if I'm wrong.)
So, I was thinking about compiling a global script which checks how many stimpaks, for example, u have, and divide said amount by, lets say 6, than add that number to your current weight. This will be automatically rounded, but that's fine for me.
Problem is, I can't find the command which adds to your (or your companion's) current weight.
tl;dr - Is there a command with which I can affect current weight, adding or removing from it (for both PC and NPC)? If not, then what would you suggest to do in order to simulate items weighing less than a single pound (Lbs.)?