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  1. S

    Modding in Cars and Motorcycles to Fallout 3

    I think there was a similar mod for Oblivion - a very heavy piece of armor that, when equipped, made you move much faster.
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    unlimited ammo - no god mode anyone?

    player.modav carryweight [integer] - Adds the specified amount to your carry weight player.additem [code] 1000 - Using the additem codes for whatever ammo types you need. Not unlimited amounts, but it's a better option if you don't want to use god mode like Phil suggested.
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    Moon Base

    Would it be possible to mod in higher jumping while on the aforementioned Lunar base, to accommodate the lower gravitational field?
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    Bodies as shield...another sick idea :)

    Don't forget the Chinese Officer's Sword.
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    You as a DnD character.

    You Are A: True Neutral Elf Wizard (1st Level) Ability Scores: Strength- 8 Dexterity- 10 Constitution- 10 Intelligence- 17 Wisdom- 11 Charisma- 11 Alignment: True Neutral- A true neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. He doesn't feel strongly one way or the other...
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    Modding ideas/suggestions

    Med-X I think it would be a nice touch if, whenever you used Med-X, you got an empty syringe, similar to how you get a bottle cap whenever you drink Nuka-cola.
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    Zero Punctuation

    I generally enjoy his reviews, even if they are too negative sometimes. He reviewed Fallout 3 today, and was more positive about it than in his MGS4 or Smash Bros Brawl reviews. Still, his main point seemed to be that it was better than Oblivion, and if you are comparing it to that game, then...
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

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    Impressions thread for positive impressions

    So Bethesda did us a service by sending over all these people to complain about how we don't like Fallout 3?
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    Impressions thread for positive impressions

    So... you're arguing it's exactly the same as turn-based because the enemies end up dead either way? By that definition, the combat system in Command & Conquer is exactly the same as that of Doom. In fact, if all that matters is the end result, then every game that is at all possible to win is...
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    I *know* WHY Fallout 3 sucks! (descriptions)

    Yeah, every time I open my inventory, I feel like I should be reading an item description. Also, why would Bethesda be willing to make the models for each junk item, but not an icon for the inventory?
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    Anyone else find computer hacking depressing?

    The minigames would be alright if they were only used on a couple of main plot-related locks/terminals, and the rest were just handled the way Fallout did it. I lockpicked maybe 4 or 5 locks before the novelty wore off, then just used unlock in the console.
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    What about a miniature minigun? (The automatic kind, not a smaller version of the tiny revolver) :P
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    Child Killing

    As far as I know, child killing didn't make the game unplayable in Fallout 2. With advanced power armor, a plasma rifle, and high skill in energy weapons, the bounty hunters weren't much of a problem. The only time that the child killer perk bugged me was when I tried to join the Wrights in New...
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    Fallout 3 Realism Overhaul

    Would it be possible to implement a hunger system too, as well as the thirst idea? If you didn't eat anything, your perception, endurance, and strength started declining slowly after 24 hours without food or so? Also, maybe slow down the game clock, since it felt way too fast for me (I left...
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    Child Killing

    I'd have to agree with you for the most part, but you should still at least get a slightly worse karma penalty for killing kids than adults. Even in a post-apocalypse world, people are still going to be a bit put off if they watch you dismember a child.
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    One way to actually kill the children

    It would be better to make a mod that does this for you, but it's better than nothing. At least now I can finally take out Lamplight.
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    What if X made Fallout Y?

    What if EA Sports made Fallout 2009? :crazy:
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    Stumbled across a painfully simple infinite XP bug

    We do hold them up to the same standard, and have been critical of the bugs, issues, etc in Fallout 1 and 2. However, we've been doing this since Fallout was released, so almost all of the bugs have been noticed and possibly fixed. Fallout 3 was released a few days ago, so we're just doing the...