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  1. S

    Did you all forget..

    As I said, just because it's possible to explain doesn't mean that it fits into Fallout canon. It's entirely possible that some Super Mutants went to the east coast. However, after the Master died, the Super Mutants, with nobody to lead them, scattered. Some joined settlements, like Marcus in...
  2. S

    Did you all forget..

    It's not that Bethesda didn't put in all the stuff we wanted, it's that the game breaks canon on numerous occasions. Why are there so many Super Mutants on the east coast, when the labs that made them are on the other side of the country? Why is the Brotherhood of Steel helping people out, when...
  3. S

    Stumbled across a painfully simple infinite XP bug

    So, because Fallout and Fallout 2 had some bugs, we aren't allowed to point out ones we find in Fallout 3?
  4. S

    Child Killing

    So all you would need to is change the ischild flag to 0, and it would make all the children mortal again?
  5. S

    Child Killing

    So the children are just invincible? Would you just have to change a few things to make the game treat them as adults, or would you need to add all the animations, VATS targeting, etc?
  6. S

    Fallout 3 & SecuROM

    Edited my post. I meant that Bethesda is doing the same thing EA did, adding SecuROM without letting the user know about it, even though EA had gotten sued over it already. It just was a bit confusing with all the "they"s :P.
  7. S

    Fallout 3 & SecuROM

    I wonder what made Bethesda decide to add in SecuROM, especially after EA got sued over putting it on Spore, and not letting the user know about it, which made it essentially spyware. And Bethesda did the same thing with Fallout 3. Plus it's not like it deters pirates or anything.
  8. S

    Signed Fallout 2 game and box

    Hypothetically, if you did sell your soul, you wouldn't have one anymore. Therefore, you would be able to sell it as many times as you want after that, since it's impossible to have a negative soul... :?
  9. S

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Is that a zombie, or what? 9/10 if it is, considering it's almost halloween. Otherwise 7/10.
  10. S

    4Too Appreciation Thread

    No, if he was Skynet, he would slowly gain everyone's trust and appreciation, then, when people were ready to worship him, either order us to attack the white house and take over the government in a military coup, or assimilate us into his ever-growing robot army. He would most likely come off...
  11. S

    Something to think about. A few words about Fallout 3 .

    What really bugs me is that before, there was a chance, however small, that Interplay, or some other company that bought the license would gather together as much of the original Fallout team as possible and make a real sequel. Now, though, Bethesda will keep on releasing console FPS games...
  12. S

    Am I missing something, or is combat really this awful?

    About the video, it's probably because that's a tough npc, and he used the weakest gun on it, plus the weapon was severely damaged (a message appeared when he equipped it) so that's going to have an impact on your damage. Still, unless he was using bullets made of styrofoam, that guy should have...
  13. S

    Real Zombie.......

    This would make the ultimate excuse for poor driving skills. It's not my fault, it's the incurable parasites in my bloodstream slowing down my reaction time.
  14. S

    Beware of the Dickcopter!

    Not very recent, the video was added in May. Hilarious, nevertheless :rofl:. That would make the best model helicopter ever. Use it in conventions, political debates, malls, etc. Send it flying around Todd Howard at his next speech. Just make sure nobody sees your remote.
  15. S

    Dead Space : about creating an atmosphere

    I read the comics, and watched some of the trailers, and so far it looks like an interesting horror game (although not very original plot). Kinda like Doom 3, but with scares other than 'creepy noise' or 'imp jumps out of door' :P .
  16. S


    Would it be possible to make a mod that changes Med-X's name back to morphine? Or even remove it entirely? I think the chems in the original Fallout games were enough, adding a new one seems kind of redundant. You could even add the effects to one of the other chems, like Psycho, and just make...
  17. S

    No Compass Marker

    So does changing the init setting remove npc's from the minimap or what? And are there any known issues with the mod? I'd rather be able to see npc's, but I'd be willing to remove that feature if I had to to get rid of the compass.
  18. S

    Child Killing

    Has anyone seen how attempting to kill children is handled in the game? Like taken a hunting rifle and shot a kid in the head? Do they just get back up without any injuries, or run away, like some people suggested? Depending on how Bethesda set it up, this mod could be either very easy or very hard.
  19. S

    Anyone working on a character editor yet?

    Were there any character editors for Oblivion that could be modded for Fallout 3? If so, that might speed things up. Good luck with the modding either way :D.
  20. S

    No Compass Marker

    Thanks for the fix :mrgreen:. The compass, along with fast traveling, were some of the worst things about Oblivion for me. They completely removed the exploration aspect of the game, and made it feel even smaller than Morrowind's map.