4Too Appreciation Thread


First time out of the vault
Hello and, also, hello, you jelly-bean-tossing harlequins, you. :o

Just writing to say that, even with no real reason to continue reading the NMA forum beyond a certain point in Fallout 3's development (when it became clear how it would become what-it-was-always-to-be) I still checked in as frequently as I could manage just on the off-chance that I might catch one of 4Too's stimulating prose-posts.

So here's a thanks to 4Too, for his/her/its imparting some measure of intellect and artistry to the debacle that is Fallout's rebirth from the gaping loins of Bethesda Softworks, like a Phoenix in rewind.

All you NMAers who are seriously working on new CRPGs really ought to hire the man to write some dialogue for you, I'd love to see it, you fudge-covered Underwood No. 5's, you.

Thanks for reading, do check yourself before possibly wrecking yourself. :|
qi said:
All you NMAers who are seriously working on new CRPGs really ought to hire the man to write some dialogue for you, I'd love to see it, you fudge-covered Underwood No. 5's, you.
I always thought of 4too as a Malkavian from VTM:Bloodlines. Most of the time I had no idea what my character was talking about.
4too: to whom do we owe the pleasure?

Are you some divine cypher personified? But what sense in entrusting you, sole soul among all, with your own key? The Gods must be crazy.

Or perhaps an English major? Not many of that ilk go in for Cult of Personality, though. You do, on the other hand, seem to meet the prerequisites.

The simplest of answers are often the most profound. 4too is 4too, and I think that's all we need. Personally, I'm glad of this.

Please do try to overlook the hamfisted admiration. The hamfisted, rather. The admiration, take with my regards.
i think he's the first true cloud AI, so far beyond our understanding that most of the depth is lost on us, but what we do understand is brilliant. :)
That's a great theory, although he's probably Skynet in disguise and is going to wipe us all out.
It took me quite a while to learn to understand 4too. At least he's more coherent than his cousin arrtoo, which only beeps frantically at me. I gave up on trying to understand that guy.

EDIT: Typo.
What always surprised me about 4too is that even when talking to him privately (private messages), he still writes like that. I always figured it was a gimmick or something and he'd talk like a regular person outside of the limelight, but apparently his thoughts are just structured this way

(good topic)
I nominated 4too for poet-laureate of the Fallout community long ago, his posts are best digested after a bong hit or two.
So where's the altar gonna be?

Just to send some virgins there to sacrifice for 4too's longevity and more prolific post count.
Where is his comment on this?

Something along the lines of

"Things of words of NMAers
Tastes of bitter lemon lime"
Something something I dunno.....

A modder should immortalize his bests quotes in a crazy drug addict in New Reno or something.
I hope he's impressed with me when he reads this. :oops:

i would squeal with porcine mirth were he ever to be an entry on my buddy list :ugly:

Good for 4too, exercising his creative faculties with neither cessation nor fear - our miserable little dirtball of a world would be alot more fun if we all gave it a try. It would be like living in Alice's Wonderland, but without the looming threat of punitive decapitation.

You know what, grand idea: volunteer 4too to write NMA's Official Fallout 3 Review. You'll make history*.

* - internet history :(
Pope Viper said:
That's a great theory, although he's probably Skynet in disguise and is going to wipe us all out.

No, if he was Skynet, he would slowly gain everyone's trust and appreciation, then, when people were ready to worship him, either order us to attack the white house and take over the government in a military coup, or assimilate us into his ever-growing robot army. He would most likely come off as extremely smart, and still likable, but impossible to reach. Good thing there's nothing like that going on... right?:aiee: