Hello and, also, hello, you jelly-bean-tossing harlequins, you.
Just writing to say that, even with no real reason to continue reading the NMA forum beyond a certain point in Fallout 3's development (when it became clear how it would become what-it-was-always-to-be) I still checked in as frequently as I could manage just on the off-chance that I might catch one of 4Too's stimulating prose-posts.
So here's a thanks to 4Too, for his/her/its imparting some measure of intellect and artistry to the debacle that is Fallout's rebirth from the gaping loins of Bethesda Softworks, like a Phoenix in rewind.
All you NMAers who are seriously working on new CRPGs really ought to hire the man to write some dialogue for you, I'd love to see it, you fudge-covered Underwood No. 5's, you.
Thanks for reading, do check yourself before possibly wrecking yourself.

Just writing to say that, even with no real reason to continue reading the NMA forum beyond a certain point in Fallout 3's development (when it became clear how it would become what-it-was-always-to-be) I still checked in as frequently as I could manage just on the off-chance that I might catch one of 4Too's stimulating prose-posts.
So here's a thanks to 4Too, for his/her/its imparting some measure of intellect and artistry to the debacle that is Fallout's rebirth from the gaping loins of Bethesda Softworks, like a Phoenix in rewind.
All you NMAers who are seriously working on new CRPGs really ought to hire the man to write some dialogue for you, I'd love to see it, you fudge-covered Underwood No. 5's, you.
Thanks for reading, do check yourself before possibly wrecking yourself.