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    Stalker, cosplay

    Awesome :mrgreen:. All that's missing are Artifacts, and some Anomalies (maybe photoshopped in?)
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    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky

    I really liked the original STALKER, with the Oblivion Lost mod. However, I thought it had a bit too much focus on the shooter aspect, and I've heard Clear Sky is even more like that. Ill probably wait until they reconfigure the Oblivion Lost mod, or make something similar for it until I buy the...
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    Fallout Chronnicles Of Riddick Mod

    Good luck, looking forward to this mod. :clap:
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    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Mercenaries 2: World In Flames commercial Don't know about the game, but I like the song.
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    10/10 :mrgreen: Also: you're not happy with EA, so you rate my EA-mocking avatar a 4/10?
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    University of Reading creates "Rat-Cyborg"

    So they've already got mind reading and mind control at the prototype stage. :aiee:
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Pretty original, I give it a 6/10
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    The subject of Aliens

    As people have said, Fallout has a special encounter with what appear to be aliens, and I don't thing the game needs more than one, unless they start becoming a theme or something. Also, the wanamingos look different than other FEV mutated creatures because they were created by the government...
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    Jacob the vault dweller?

    You weren't a member so much as a random guy who did one errand for them, then came in and stole some power armor, while Jacob was a full-fledged Paladin. Interesting idea, but probably just a mistake with the scripting,
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    Super Mutants Exist Already

    REAL super mutants get huge using an experimental DNA-changing virus, not by working out a lot :P. And they would run circles around those commandos. While punching them. With power fists.
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    Fallout Trivia!!

    He was setting up a land mine that detonated while he was placing it. And while on the Sierra Army Depot, what virus types were you able to extract from storage?
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    Fallout MUD - Would you play?
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    weapon question: Vindicator MG or Bozar?

    Yeah, there are ways to get plenty of 4.7mm caseless, but you can buy .223 from any gun store, and almost every raider group had one or two people with hunting rifles, so it would be easier to get ammo for the Bozar.
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    Rage E3 2008 trailer

    So far, it looks like a good game. If id Software does it right, then it would be an interesting combination of elements from Fallout with Mad Max style vehicular combat. It looks like one of the factions will have some sort of genetic mutation though, unless radiation somehow mutated them all...
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    Half Life Series and Story Discussion

    I think he means that they weren't as good as the games that came before them, not that they were prequels.
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    Large Hadron Collider and the Potential for Cataclysm

    Let's hope Gordon Freeman and the Vault Dweller never meet each other, as they might team up and take over the world, if the universe didn't just implode from that much awesomeness in one place. Or what if they tried to kill each other? Would it just be that whole 'immovable object vs...
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    University of Reading creates "Rat-Cyborg"

    We're getting closer and closer to my ultimate goal of being able to hook my brain up to a robot, and becoming immortal :crazy:.
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    Arcade Quake

    It won't run on my computer :x. Says the NVIDIA drivers are incompatible or something :(.
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    Machinarium looks incredible

    Never heard of either of them before this, but they look really interesting. Unfortunately I don't have time to play them this morning :(. EDIT: Both great games, very interesting setting and art style :mrgreen: . Can't wait for Machinarium to come out.
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    It didn't have much replay value, but I liked it on my initial play through. Despite the linear story and lack of consequences, I think that it captures the atmosphere of Fallout better than what I've seen of Fallout 3 so far.