Large Hadron Collider and the Potential for Cataclysm

generalissimofurioso said:
And if Punisher 2099 is correct, it may be the only way to completely destroy someone body and soul.

You know, to keep them from reincarnating as a T-Rex wearing a cowboy hat or something.

We have been taking 'snacks' again from the medicine box, haven't we generalissimofurioso?
Wasn't there a fear back when the first atomic bomb was detonated, that the chain reaction could burn up the atmosphere?
Ashmo said:
Wasn't there a fear back when the first atomic bomb was detonated, that the chain reaction could burn up the atmosphere?

Ashmo, please head over to the "Rate the avatar above yours" thread so we can give you a 10/10 for it :)

Also - I believe you are right - it is almost like the Dr. Device from Orson Scott Card's "Ender's Game" ...

Wikipedia on Ender's Game
Wikipedia on Orson Scott Card
Ashmo said:
Wasn't there a fear back when the first atomic bomb was detonated, that the chain reaction could burn up the atmosphere?
There was actually a fear that it would ignite the oxygen and hydrogen in the atmosphere and thus burn it all down. Some serious researchers looked into it and said that the chance of that happening was a insane number to 1.
The Dutch Ghost said:
We have been taking 'snacks' again from the medicine box, haven't we generalissimofurioso?


WTF??!! Now I've heard from some people that a Judge interdicted the LHC... Is that true? Can someone confirm this? It can't be!! :cry: I'm in doubt cause I was unable to find about this in the internet, but those persons sounded so credible...

Oh, man, my hope has been impoverished with this new... I was waiting for something wrong to happen with this experiment, so that the world would, perhaps, go into chaos... and, I don't know... life could be, at least for a few seconds, miliseconds or whatever, a little more interesting to live.
WTF??!! Now I've heard from some people that a Judge interdicted the LHC... Is that true? Can someone confirm this? It can't be!! Crying or Very sad I'm in doubt cause I was unable to find about this in the internet, but those persons sounded so credible...

No european judge can or will stop an European project worth milions or billions of dollars and involvin 9000 scientists...
I'm just waiting for someone to discover the 12th dimension beyond string theory, where we are all at every single time period, every single position, moving in every single direction, through all probable universes at once on a membrane folding to make a cube of infinity times infinity all within a single point connected to another point somewhere just like everything i just explained, forever.

Sex must be awesome in the 12th dimension.

Imagine having an orgasm with everything at once forever in all realities.

It really is a "Large Hardon Collider" when ya think about it. Get the lube.
Blakut said:
No european judge can or will stop an European project worth milions or billions of dollars and involvin 9000 scientists...
actually, they can't since CERN is an entity in itself. it's not french, nor swiss. technically, it does not even lie within the jurisdiction of France or Switzerland. they have their own rules and their own cops to enforce them.

sweet, huh?
heh, probably the whole of the EU and Switzerland to protect their investment. ;)
generalissimofurioso said:
So who goes to defend them in case some crazed maniac leads a small army against them?

You know, hypothetically.

Gordon Freeman of course...

I couldn't stop myself. Sorry.

The Vault Dweller
Let's hope Gordon Freeman and the Vault Dweller never meet each other, as they might team up and take over the world, if the universe didn't just implode from that much awesomeness in one place.

Or what if they tried to kill each other? Would it just be that whole 'immovable object vs unstoppable force' question again? :P
I think it'd be a bit like this.

When they meet, one of The Vault Dweller's henchmen runs up to Gordon's car and sets off a grenade, blowing the car sky high, and then another of the henchmen throws a knife as well. The Vault Dweller's won, right? Wrong. Gordon gets out of the car after it finally falls to the ground, and kills the other henchman. A nice touch is that there's a knife in Gordon's stomach when he gets out, so somehow he was actually hit by that knife. The Vault Dweller and Gordon fire at each other with their guns until they run out of ammo. THAT'S it, right? Nope! Gordon takes out a rocket launcher from the back of his HEV suit, and The Vault Dweller rips a Gatling laser out of his body. Then they fire at each other, both weapons colliding in mid-air. Cut to a view of Earth from space, and a nuclear mushroom cloud envelops everything. THE END.