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  1. S


    Spore has a type of copy protection on the disc that only lets you install it three times. DRM is really annoying, as pirates will always find a way around it, and all it does is bug legitimate users. Of course, that doesn't stop companies from using DRM :x.
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    Rank your important PA careers

    A leader would be useful if you desperately needed to use up all of your food/water :P.
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    The core fans

    The world is going to end on October 28, 2008. Not because of the Large Hadron Collider, but because of the massive black hole of mediocrity, wooden animations, poor voice acting, shallow, linear plot, and non-canonness of Fallout 3. :shock:
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    Do we know yet what kind of video card will FO3 need?

    That would make an awesome casemod. :mrgreen: I have an 8500 GT, so I should be able to run it, but I'll probably need to turn down the advanced graphics settings. I can easily run Half Life 2: Episode 2 at full settings, but Oblivion lags at even medium, so it will probably be the same way...
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    Bethesda is doing the right thing with fallout 3...

    Yeah, I'd rather spend the money upgrading my PC than buying a console. It costs about the same, and PC's are just better all around than consoles. The one thing that consoles are better at is that you just have to put in a disc, and you can play the game. In a PC game, you have to mess around...
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    9/10 Classic :D
  7. S

    The brother hood of Steel in FO3

    Yes, it might have fit into Fallout canon, but why would they be doing it now, almost 300 years after the events of the original Fallout? By this point, all of the people who had met with the Vault Dweller would be dead. Anyway, I don't think you ever did that much for the Brotherhood. You just...
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    Rank your important PA careers

    Farmers would be necessary for long-term survival, but you could live off preserved food for a long time, if you were near a grocery store or something. Still, eventually, you would have to either start growing food, or try to find another source of food. Engineers/Scientists/Programmers...
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    Fallout Trivia!!

    High perception and intelligence, and the more luck the better. How do you find and get into the Sierra Army Depot?
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    Bethesda is doing the right thing with fallout 3...

    Fish of War? :P As long as they eventually release a CS, we'll probably be able to mod in most of the things they're changing( other than the FPP), and then we can get all the prostitutes, drugs, and childkilling we want. It might eventually become a decent Fallout game, but it will take...
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    Large Hadron Collider and the Potential for Cataclysm

    It's just one black hole. We'd need at least five to stop the Vault Dweller.
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    6/10, but I'll upgrade to 8/10 if you tell me what it says :P .
  13. S

    weapon question: Vindicator MG or Bozar?

    A gauss weapon runs current through a series of wires wrapped around a barrel to generate a powerful magnetic field. It switches the wires on one after another to pull a magentic object down the barrel. They actually have working versions, but right now, they're either too weak or use up too...
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    10 best games.

    1. Fallout 2. Portal 3. Mass Effect 4. Starcraft 5. Sins of a Solar Empire 6. GTA: San Andreas* 8. Half Life 2 9. ??? 10. Profit *Don't know about GTA IV, waiting for it to come out on PC
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    Change to Fallout 3: Morphine becomes Med-X

    Why is Bethesda willing to make a version of the game just for Germany with the violence removed, but they don't want to bother with minor edits to the regions that complain about the drugs? I don't think morphine should be in the game, but surely they could at least come up with a better name...
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    Censors force Fallout 3 changes

    Dune for the win! Anyway, it won't matter. The modding community will just change/add the drugs and their effects to match Jet, Mentats, Psycho, Buffout, Rad-X, RadAway, and of course the Stimpack. And add killable children and prostitutes into the game. Assuming, of course, that Bethesda...
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    What level?

    Level? What is this level you speak of? :shock:
  18. S

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Fallout 1+2 :D . Also, Mass Effect PC, Gears of War PC, Silent Hill 2 PS2 (most recent console I own, I'd rather upgrade my PC than buy a new one), Sins of a Solar Empire (excellent RTS game, highly recommend it), Starcraft: Brood War, and I'm still playing GTA: San Andreas while I wait for GTA...
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    14/20 :P Can't make it out very well, but I kind of like it.