First time out of the vault

at least from a marketing standpoint...
im one of those "true fans" of fallout 1 and 2.
you know... the kind that probarbly wont buy this game (unless i find it in the bargain bin).
we all heard it before... the reasons why i wouldnt by it i mean
however, i must say that beth is doing the right thing from a pure marketing standpoint...
if you made fallout 2 today (but better looking of course) it wouldnt sell...
first off, the age rating would limit sales (especially since it doesnt have the "gangsta" appeal of GTA to lure in the kids even with a rating)
secondly, the gamers of today (and im generalising here of course, since gamers as a group cannot be homogonised, but a large majority) are either teenagers who get their buzz from the insta-action clickfest games that flood the market (COD4, Oblivion and gars of war to name a few) and these appeal by graphic gore or cool effects and not deep gameplay mechanics that take a long time to learn.
the other large group of gamers that will buy this game are the 20+ kids that have jobs and a family but still want to play "cool" games with their friends.
these dont want a deep and complex game since they literally dont have the time to get the hang of it... they just want to pop that disc in and start the action without having to go through tons of dialogue and decisions...
for those who fall in the "hardcore fans" category for fallout, this is completely unimportant... they dont care much for the shallow and fastpaced games where the "cool" and glossy finish distract you for a month before you buy the next game.
this is also the reason why they react so violently on the forums most of the time... despite what bethesda wants to market it as... this is not a sequel to fallout 2...
this is not an rpg.
its an action adventure set in the fallout world.
thats not to say that it couldnt have been a good RPG in first person.
thats quite possible to do...
however, most "average" gamers wont like the fact that you will miss with most of your shots until youve increased your smallarms skill (as noted during the testing of the game).
they wont want to go through deep and engaging dialogue that forces you to make morality choices. (wich is why beth is somewhat forcing the morality on you... hence no killing kids, since if you could kill kids but got major wanted levels and bountyhunters after you and everybody hates you, they would get angry at the game, not their own choice of killing the kid in the first place, spoiled as they are with the "you can get away with anything in games" mentality of most newer games)
what they do want is the quick and instant gratifications of gory kills and big explotions (hence the blowing bodyparts off with smallarms and the nuke-catapult).
they want to feel like a hero without actually having to take the consequenses of their actions (wich is why you wont get much more than a bit of negative karma from blowing up an entire town, or for that matter the fact that you can arm the damned thing right infront of the eyes of the whole town without problems)
well i could go on, but i think you get the idea.
what im trying to say is that, even tho it breaks my heart, bethesda couldnt have done this in any other way. (a smaller independent company probarbly could, but not beth... theyve got too much riding on it)
so i guess im just hoping that beth will loose interest in the franchise and sell the rights to some new upcoming company with something to prove.
im one of those "true fans" of fallout 1 and 2.
you know... the kind that probarbly wont buy this game (unless i find it in the bargain bin).
we all heard it before... the reasons why i wouldnt by it i mean
however, i must say that beth is doing the right thing from a pure marketing standpoint...
if you made fallout 2 today (but better looking of course) it wouldnt sell...
first off, the age rating would limit sales (especially since it doesnt have the "gangsta" appeal of GTA to lure in the kids even with a rating)
secondly, the gamers of today (and im generalising here of course, since gamers as a group cannot be homogonised, but a large majority) are either teenagers who get their buzz from the insta-action clickfest games that flood the market (COD4, Oblivion and gars of war to name a few) and these appeal by graphic gore or cool effects and not deep gameplay mechanics that take a long time to learn.
the other large group of gamers that will buy this game are the 20+ kids that have jobs and a family but still want to play "cool" games with their friends.
these dont want a deep and complex game since they literally dont have the time to get the hang of it... they just want to pop that disc in and start the action without having to go through tons of dialogue and decisions...
for those who fall in the "hardcore fans" category for fallout, this is completely unimportant... they dont care much for the shallow and fastpaced games where the "cool" and glossy finish distract you for a month before you buy the next game.
this is also the reason why they react so violently on the forums most of the time... despite what bethesda wants to market it as... this is not a sequel to fallout 2...
this is not an rpg.
its an action adventure set in the fallout world.
thats not to say that it couldnt have been a good RPG in first person.
thats quite possible to do...
however, most "average" gamers wont like the fact that you will miss with most of your shots until youve increased your smallarms skill (as noted during the testing of the game).
they wont want to go through deep and engaging dialogue that forces you to make morality choices. (wich is why beth is somewhat forcing the morality on you... hence no killing kids, since if you could kill kids but got major wanted levels and bountyhunters after you and everybody hates you, they would get angry at the game, not their own choice of killing the kid in the first place, spoiled as they are with the "you can get away with anything in games" mentality of most newer games)
what they do want is the quick and instant gratifications of gory kills and big explotions (hence the blowing bodyparts off with smallarms and the nuke-catapult).
they want to feel like a hero without actually having to take the consequenses of their actions (wich is why you wont get much more than a bit of negative karma from blowing up an entire town, or for that matter the fact that you can arm the damned thing right infront of the eyes of the whole town without problems)
well i could go on, but i think you get the idea.
what im trying to say is that, even tho it breaks my heart, bethesda couldnt have done this in any other way. (a smaller independent company probarbly could, but not beth... theyve got too much riding on it)
so i guess im just hoping that beth will loose interest in the franchise and sell the rights to some new upcoming company with something to prove.