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  1. R

    Fallout Online Platform

    Gears of War?
  2. R

    what to do now that i have beat fallout new vegas on 360

    You should do a pacifist playthrough. Beat the game without killing a single thing.
  3. R

    I'd support Ceasars Legion except [Insert answer here]

    I always thought that the events in the game were suggesting that the Legion were going to win the second battle.
  4. R

    What would make Fallout 4 a really good game??

    I don't know if something like that would work for a game like Fallout 3 or NV.
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    Disc Shaped Object at the Bottom of the Baltic Sea

    I think that it's understandable to think the idea of a creature dozens of times larger than a Blue Whale swimming around out there somewhere is scary. Also scary that the sound came from the approximate location of Cthulhu.
  6. R

    What would make Fallout 4 a really good game??

    I'm pretty sure Fallout 4 is going to use the same engine as Skyrim. So yeah, it should look pretty damn sexy.
  7. R

    Building the Perfect Wastelander.

    Yeah, but that would involve upping your melee stat. Veronica has a melee stat of like 103 or something. I'd rather let her punch dudes to death so I can save my skill points for other stuff. Plus, if she runs up and punches dudes to death, they'll have to worry about killing her, and that means...
  8. R

    Building the Perfect Wastelander.

    It doesn't double it just 1.45s. Still though, 10 CH + Veronica + Ballistic Fist = Veronica killing everything in one hit.
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    Maxed out

    Wouldn't being completely maxed out include the SPECIAL stats as well? At least, that's how I define it.
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    Maxed out

    What's the point of that? (Also, it's impossible)
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    Brotherhood Elders

    This thread is getting a little weird...
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    Norwegian Massacre

    Not saying that I agree with that guy, but that's horrible logic.
  13. R

    The Awesome Foursome; Decision Of The Protagonisst

    It would have been cool if you could have given the BoS Euclid's C Finder and turned on Helios One, and they used to to take out both the NCR and Caeser's legion at Hoover Dam. Although I imagine if they had a BoS ending it would result in anarchy in the Mojave.
  14. R

    New Vegas part of the actual story canon?

    I just hope that the canon ending isn't the NCR one. It's the least interesting IMO. I'd rather have an ending where the Mojave BoS is destroyed be canon than the NCR ending... I think the Caeser's legion ending would be particularly interesting, but only if they're fleshed out as a...
  15. R

    What would make Fallout 4 a really good game??

    I would support that if they included some black/death metal on the radio stations. That would kick ass.
  16. R

    How do you start off a new character?

    I generally skip the tutorial quest, do "Ghost Town Gunfight" or the other one, head down to Primm, either get NCR rule or get the dude from NCRF. Then I usually head to Novac and get Boone or I head to the 188 Trading Post and get Veronica. Then I head for the Gun Runners, sell off the stuff...
  17. R

    An introduction and question concering rpg elements in NV

    Woah there Charles Dickens. Could you ask us what you're trying to ask with way, way, way less words? I mean, I read your novel there, but I don't quite understand what you're trying to ask.
  18. R

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Hey. I already have a few posts but I just now found this thread. I'm from the U.S.A. Specifically Alabama. Despite the fact I have spent every single second of my life in the deep south, I am not a 'redneck' by any means. I got my start in the Fallout series with Fallout 3. I'm a big Call...
  19. R

    DLC Play order.

    Ahh. I didn't bring the Holorifle to OWB, because at the time I thought the Holorifle was a piece of shit (my energy weapons skill was really low so it only did like 40 damage). Then I looked up the stats. Needless to say, I was very confused. Where was that 80 DAM weapon when I was playing...
  20. R

    The Fate of the Deep South?

    I don't know about you, but for me it takes about 3 headshots with a brush gun to take out a regular Deathclaw. On very easy.