DLC Play order.


This ghoul has seen it all
Well thsi is gonna be a simple topic, like the title says, in what order do you think the DLCs should be played? not release order I mean, but how do you think the experience would feel more natural? and why?

This is my Order:
Honest Hearts, it's the mroe stad alone one, but it gives you a hint about Ulysses.
Then Old World Blues,I haven't to purchased it yet but as far as I know it has a lto of references to Dead Money, even Christine making an appeareance in audio logs, and you get more hints about Ulysses, and you kind of Start the ELijah arc
The Dead Money, you close the Elijah Arc, and get the first mention of the Battle with Ulysses.
And of Course, The Lonesome Road is last for obviosu resons.
My first time around I played them in order of release.

This time, I went with Honest Hearts first (because it's by far the easiest).

I'm going to do Dead Money next, once I get my skills a bit higher. (Level 22 at the moment).

I'll do Old World Blues last, because I'm going to need a lot of stimpacks and a lot of ammo. Plus, I'll probably need to bring some extra armour. For some reason, my armour tends to break at a rapid pace when I'm playing OWB. First time I went there my Remnants Armour broke the first time I left The Sink. I'll probably also need to stock up on some RadAway for the end, but I'm pretty sure I have enough stocked up from when I went to the one vault with the ghouls and the pulse gun. (Can't remember the name.)

Also, has anybody beaten OWB on hardcore mode?
Play Dead Money before Old World Blues, some of the stuff in OWB seems to assume you already went through Dead Money (like you being able to make a reference to something Christine said while in dialogue with one of the brains). Also a lot of the stuff that happens in Dead Money might not make sense if your character already knows all the stuff you learn at the Big Empty. It makes a lot more sense for the character to hear Elijah talk about the Big Empty, then go out looking for it himself.

RogerMaxson37 said:
Also, has anybody beaten OWB on hardcore mode?

Yes, but I did turn the difficulty down to Easy since all the enemies you encounter at the Big Empty seem to be bullet sponges.
Courier said:
Play Dead Money before Old World Blues, some of the stuff in OWB seems to assume you already went through Dead Money (like you being able to make a reference to something Christine said while in dialogue with one of the brains). Also a lot of the stuff that happens in Dead Money might not make sense if your character already knows all the stuff you learn at the Big Empty. It makes a lot more sense for the character to hear Elijah talk about the Big Empty, then go out looking for it himself.

RogerMaxson37 said:
Also, has anybody beaten OWB on hardcore mode?

Yes, but I did turn the difficulty down to Easy since all the enemies you encounter at the Big Empty seem to be bullet sponges.

How in the hell did you beat the final boss? Since stimpacks don't heal instantly...
A fully modded holorifle, a couple of pulse grenades, and an energy weapons skill of 90. To be honest it wasn't really as hard as killing the legendary bloatfly.
Is this "Last Boss" the Giant Roboscropion from the trailer? I wonder If I woulc be able to beat it with my Balistic Fist or the Paladin Toaster and lots of drugs.
Walpknut said:
Is this "Last Boss" the Giant Roboscropion from the trailer? I wonder If I woulc be able to beat it with my Balistic Fist or the Paladin Toaster and lots of drugs.

You probably don't want to get close to it, but yeah it is the last boss. Not nearly as dangerous as the legendary bloatfly though, I know for a fact you'll never be able to kill that thing in close combat.
Courier said:
A fully modded holorifle, a couple of pulse grenades, and an energy weapons skill of 90. To be honest it wasn't really as hard as killing the legendary bloatfly.

Ahh. I didn't bring the Holorifle to OWB, because at the time I thought the Holorifle was a piece of shit (my energy weapons skill was really low so it only did like 40 damage). Then I looked up the stats. Needless to say, I was very confused. Where was that 80 DAM weapon when I was playing through Dead Money? (Even though it really wouldn't have made Dead Money any easier. The combat wasn't the hard part for me.)

I haven't actually fought the Legendary Bloatfly yet. I walked into the Mysterious Cave, and I left because I didn't want to waste my ammo on a bunch of bloatflies. (I didn't know about the Legendary Bloatfly at the time.)
I haven't replayed any DLCs yet so right now I'm just doing them in order. May do Honest Hearts > Old World Blues > Dead Money > Lonesome Road in another playthrough like you said though, as it seems like the logical way.
OWB definitely comes after Dead Money if you're going for continuity, Honest Hearts can be played whenever you want since it doesn't seem to be as tied into the story, and Lonesome Road will probably best be played last but we'll have to wait and see for that.

My recommended order (assuming Lonesome Road has to be played last) is: Honest Hearts, Dead Money, Old World Blues, Lonesome Road.

Edit: Minor spoiler,

[spoiler:a0610f0a74]It also makes sense to play Lonesome Road directly after OWB since 1. You hear Ulysses talking about how he "wants you to find him" at the Divide so he can "show you what happened there" and 2. You hear Ulysses talking about how the Sierra Madre is a "special kind of hell", if you haven't gone through Dead Money yet then the stuff your character learns at the Big Empty would put him under the impression that the Sierra Madre isn't a place he wants to seek out.[/spoiler:a0610f0a74]
Unless that's why your character follows the Sierra Madre broadcast to begin with? I mean, if the character makesthe connection, The COurier in Primm that basically abandoned the job to get him killed, to Joshua Graham mentioning the Courier being a Legion Assassin, to get captured in the Big MT and learning of thsi other COurier and hsi shady agenda that seems to involve a palce called "The Sierra Madre", he woudl want to go there to investigate what is he exactly up to, then he ends up learning more about this Courier with the Old Wolrd Flag and he finaly confirms that this other guy is looking for him/her. COnvoluted? a little, just brainstorming.
No, Ulysses specifically says he wants to meet you at the Divide and you even get to look at a map showing you where the Divide is. Ulysses also specifically says that the Sierra Madre is a place you don't want to be. After hearing Ulysses talk about the place and reading about it on computer terminals, your character would most likely make it a point not to follow the radio signal that takes him there, at least unless he has some kind of deathwish.

Not to mention all the stuff that kind of relies on your character having knowledge of the Sierra Madre for it to make sense, such as your reference to something Christine said to you in Dead Money.
You don't really have to play Dead Money first, but if you like to role play these things and care about continuity then you'll want to at least play it before OWB.
No I was talking about the play order, you don't have to play them in any specific order. You still have to play Old World Blues it's amazing.
RogerMaxson37 said:
ow in the hell did you beat the final boss? Since stimpacks don't heal instantly...

You can activate Protectrons for distraction and turrets to help you. While it was busy I pumped it with Max Charge shot with the Holorifle. Not really hard. There's even a terminal to deactivate it IIRC.

The Legendary Bloatfly...I killed it abusing the Compliance Regulator (man, that thing is a cheat), the bastard can kill you with one hit (?).
Honest Hearts --> Dead Money --> Old World Blues

Yeah, since in the Honest Heart, I'm not actually too restricted with the mission, so I'll start with it. The latter, after I'm at level 25+.
I'd say that, as far as foreshadowing towards Lonesome Road goes, Honest Hearts -> Dead Money -> Old World Blues
and Dead Money -> Honest Hearts -> Old World Blues both makes sense although I'm partial to the first order (one hint to Ulysses -> more hints to his role -> final foreshadowing).

Gameplay-wise, Honest Hearts is definitely the easiest, while Old World Blues has been easier than Dead Money to me, but I'd still go with Dead Money as second since most of the difficulty doesn't really come from RPG skills but your skills as a player (which IMO is the biggest of the DLC's failings).
RogerMaxson37 said:
How in the hell did you beat the final boss? Since stimpacks don't heal instantly...

A decent sneak skill or a stealth boy means you can wander around activating the enviromental hazards that help you deal with it.
It's so busy killing the protectrons and turrets you can sneak crit it from behind until it falls over.

On my next playthrough I'm thinking of doing OWB first just to mix it up a little.
However I usually go in release order.