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  1. R

    Old World Blues

    Do you live in the U.S.A.? It's released later in Europe if I'm not mistaken. Btw, does anybody have tips on how to kill those roboscorpions? They seem to have a ridiculous amount of hp.
  2. R

    Recommend Me Some Old Games

    Stood the test of time, been around for years, and still have an active cult of devotees? Although if that's a little too old, then I can recommend some games: JRPG - Chrono Trigger RTS - Starcraft TBS - Medieval: Total War, the Old Civilisation games
  3. R

    funniest moments from fallout games

    (Fallout) 3's main quest. When the BoS and the Enclave were fighting over who got to turn on the water purifier first, Benny Hill music should have been playing.
  4. R

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread
  5. R

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I have a beat up K-98, that was used by the Wehrmacht in WW2. It was my Grandmother's Uncle's rifle (he was from Germany).
  6. R

    Yup, we are trully f***ed...

    I've already read that article. Edit : Alright. Can we just move on? I was just referring to the picture and not the article. I'm sorry if that was confusing, but I just want to move on so we don't end up derailing the thread and/or starting a flamewar.
  7. R

    Yup, we are trully f***ed...

    Who, me? I was responding to the OP. Which contained no link to the article that picture was a part of.
  8. R

    Yup, we are trully f***ed...

    Oh no! Aiming down sights in first person shooters! What's next? Driving cars in racing games?
  9. R

    Real life parrelels in our faction choices? and sympathies.

    Ahh... oh well. Hopefully the Yes Man ending becomes the canon ending. I'd hate to see the West Coast BoS get wiped out. I don't want the NCR ending to become canon though because the NCR is just getting boring. If they just keep taking over everything then there will be no interesting conflict...
  10. R

    Real life parrelels in our faction choices? and sympathies.

    Yeah, true, but like you said, it may not be canon. I don't really think that it should count since you could count the entire game as "cut content".
  11. R

    Brotherhood Elders

    Yes, he was killed when he had his helmet off and he was struck in the neck with a poisonous projectile. So yeah, when they actually fight they wear power armor.
  12. R

    Real life parrelels in our faction choices? and sympathies.

    I could have sworn the BoS originally discovered the Helios One Facility and the NCR took it from them.
  13. R

    Pistol use

    Ahh. I understand. But what do you mean "practical to carry arounds with you"? I mean, there's not that much need to carry around a gun in modern society, and if you were in a violent place on earth where openly carrying firearms was accepted, a BFR would actually be a pretty practical gun...
  14. R

    Real life parrelels in our faction choices? and sympathies.

    Well, it's more like the NCR dug the grave for the BoS. They weren't as hostile when they actually had power.
  15. R

    Pistol use

    Err... the Sequoia is basically a BFR chambered for 45-70 rounds. A gun which is used in real life. Mainly for bear hunting. It would be possible to have a 12.7mm SMG, but the recoil would be insane. They really should fix the 12.7mm pistol and SMG. Both should have a lot more recoil, but...
  16. R

    Real life parrelels in our faction choices? and sympathies.

    Hmmm... but doesn't he make you wipe out the Mojave BoS? I don't really like that too much...
  17. R

    So your trekking across the Mojave....

    T-51b Power Armour, a Gatling Laser, and two Alien Blasters. I wouldn't need to carry supplies, because whenever I needed something, I could just stop by the nearest town and massacre everybody. Although, for something a little more practical, I would wear Reinforced Sierra Madre Armour. I...
  18. R

    Favorite weapns early in the game

    That Gun is by far my favourite for early gameplay. Also, if you consider Boone a weapon, then him too.
  19. R

    Real life parrelels in our faction choices? and sympathies.

    My favourite faction is the BoS, but if you're talking about which faction I would support if I was actually the Courier, then I would support Yes Man, as I am a Libertarian in real life. Although, I haven't done a Mr. House playthrough yet, so I don't know what his real goals are.
  20. R

    The Fate of the Deep South?

    I think that setting a Fallout game in the South would be interesting (as I live here). The Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant and the Tennessee River could both be areas that would be central to the plot. Plus, the cultural diversity would be interesting. You would have the pistol-wielding, drug...