Vault 23 Entry
Thanks Nirran, but:
[spoiler:e0a06dd35b]I don't see a computer anywhere, either I am blind or its not on the copy I have.
All I see is a crazy guy in a hut with brahmin, lots of trees and the elevator doors and some rocks which aren't a natural...
Im having this same problem. Lift doesn't seem to work, nothing to repair...
The game also started crashing if I clicked on the Lift door after I had saved there.
zhaoyun91, try changing these values in the ddraw.ini:
Make sure they read =1 in your .ini
Hopefully this will solve the levelling issue you said you were having.
Your welcome matey, and thanks for your help too :)
Its working nicely now, thats with all of your mods too Nirran.
Now to scratch that Fallout itch.
Cheers Nirran
Thanks a lot!! I'm downloading it now (Fingers crossed hehe)
Perhaps this is my problem though:
So its more than likely that I fucked up my game by moving files to places they arent supposed to go, luckily I wasn't too far into the game so should be able to test al...
Thanks for replying Nirran.
Damn, the download should be good, this is my second download. This time I got it from your site Nirran. Perhaps theres a conflict with one of your extra Mods? Since I did install a couple of them.
Anyway ill try and download again later when I have time...
Started a new game with 2.42 tonight. Have just reached the klamath sewers area, as soon as I try to enter the sewers, I end up in the wall in the small underground area.
Heres some pics to show you what I mean:
The game is pretty good with some of the mods around.
FOOK2, FWE and WMK are the required mods IMO.
Vanilla Fallout3 for me would be too boring to play through a second time.
Hi, a little update on the problem.
After much messing about Malcolm actually began to follow me, even though in that save I hadn't requested it, but that was no problem he followed like a regular companion, and all the commands were working nicely.
Then I told my followers to wait in...
Hi, I've just run into a strange problem with your mod.
I have just hired Malcolm, went through the conversation then he follows me. But he won't follow me out of Megaton and also if I speak to him, the only option is 'I have to go' then he walks off on his own.
I have K-9 and have not...
I'm using
-XFO (This mod has thirst and hunger by the way)
Haven't used F3C yet, I was going to wait for the new damage system to be implemented before I checked it out.
Snow exists in many deserts, but normally only at night, in the shade or during winter.
But I suppose it would be very hard to simulate this in the game.
But there are many mountainous areas in the game, perhaps they could contain snow tiles?
I run the game on 2 x 8800GTXs at 2560 x 1600 with everything maxed out, except for AA, which is set to 2x.
I have noticed though since I started a play through recently, that the game now runs a little slower for me with newer graphics drivers and newer fallout3 patch.
On my first play...
I think Im experiencing the same problem as you Raiche... When EXACTLY is the game crashing?
For me it crashes right after the Video that appears when you click to start a new game, basically as soon as the game tries to load any In-Game graphics.
I also had the exact same problem with...
1. Yes
2. No, Much Lower Ammo Availability (There is too much ammo in F3)
3. Yes
4. Yes, I like this Idea, nice one
5. B. But only for Semi-Automatic weapons
6. D
7. E
8. E
9. B - C
10. D
11. Yes
there is a thread for this mod. post there.
And I have had it reported by some people, that you might have to start a new game with this mod.
However I never experienced any issues.
Edit, there are many reasons why it might not work. Nearly all of them stem from not quite doing...
Heres the original contents of the Hud files.
This is the Original Hudtemplates.xml file:
[spoiler:7b77e60051]<template name="template_positioning_grid">
<image name="grid_point">
It depends on the size of your screen really. The compass is just about readable to me, but I can see how it might bother some others.
You can make it bigger if you like in hudtemplates.xml.
Change the height and width to double or 1.5 times the current amount. If you want the original...
Theres no way that cross-hair is out in any way.
It is DEAD CENTER of my screen in ALL RESOLUTIONS, regardless of wide-screen or not.
You have most probably changed other settings in the mod, which have probably thrown off the position of the cross-hair.
Have you noticed how in...