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  1. P

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread I just found this band and I already fucking love it.
  2. P

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    8/10 C-C-C-COMBO KEEPER!
  3. P

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    Nice 8/10.
  4. P

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    Who's that? 7/10.
  5. P

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    There's a certain resemblance between your avatar and mine... 7/10.
  6. P

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    Skulls work always, 8/10.
  7. P

    Ever actually want to try an Iguana-on-a-stick?

    Sure would be interesting to try, but I doubt it would taste good, especially for a guy as picky when it comes to food like me. Plus making it here in cold Finland where the closest thing to a real gecko is in Fallout 2 would be a wee bit challenging, don't you think? Sure would like to...
  8. P

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    Awwww/10 Dude, you just made my day.
  9. P

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    Is that a joint?/10
  10. P

    Enslaved: Odyssey to the West

    Well, I found the demo to be pretty much complete shite, with ugly graphics, somewhat horrible climbing parts and melee battling that showed absolutely nothing new. Add the rather dubious storyline, and you got your Enslaved. Wonder how Ninja Theory managed to make controlling the character even...
  11. P

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread
  12. P

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    Caesar style something/10
  13. P

    Your opinion of most of the people in real life?

    Go and play Modern Warfare 2 public multiplayer for a couple of hours and you will SURELY start to hate humanity. I can tell, I've had experience. Once the most extreme hating feelings vanish, you will suffer from chronic pessimism, as you understand that these kids are the future of this planet.
  14. P

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Kiuas - Of Love, Lust and Human Nature.
  15. P

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    Fallout, nuff said/10
  16. P

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    11/10... Carib!
  17. P

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

    @vilenko You aren't supposed to install both RP and the unofficial patch; the patch is included in the RP and I believe it can cause some very odd things when installed with the RP. I'm no expert but I'm afraid you will have to reinstall the game.
  18. P

    Input Devices: The Thread

    Anyone remember what the mice were before laser/optical mice? I do, since I have to use one until I can a) find a way to get more USB-ports on shittier-than-shit PC, or b) find a working non-USB mouse.
  19. P

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread Jazz Jackrabbit 2 FT motherfucking W!
  20. P

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    I still love westerns/10