First time out of the vault

Hey guys! New user here..I've always enjoyed this website and have been a big Fallout fan since I first picked my copy of the original Fallout.
On another note, sort of unrelated, I love to cook!
I love video games and cooking so much I've decided to merge the two and am starting up a Youtube channel dedicated to creating Culinary Video Game Delights!
The first installment to my channel will be dedicated to..Wait for it...Fallout.
I will be making (as the subject of this topic is named) Iguana-on-a-stick! And yes..I will be using actual Iguana meat!
Expect it to be up in mid-October seeing as I'm in Japan at the moment and have to wait until I return to the good old USA. I will update this topic the second I start creating the video in hopes that someone might be looking forward to watching it.
Until then I would like to ask if there is any other Food items in the Fallout world in which you might be interested in seeing put together.
The only other thing I can add is a brief summary of what to expect Iguana-on-a-stick to taste like. So, according to the game, Iguana-on-a-stick consists of "Some charred meat and vegetables on a cooking stick."....So I've decided that it will of course be cooked on the grill, slightly charred with the meat and vegetables marinated in something or another..But I thought to myself, "In Fallout, What would Iguana-on-a-stick taste like?" I imagine with it
being covered in RADS it might give quite a burning sensation. So expect it to be a very spicy treat!
Hope you find this idea somewhat interesting and hope you look forward to viewing the video!
On another note, sort of unrelated, I love to cook!
I love video games and cooking so much I've decided to merge the two and am starting up a Youtube channel dedicated to creating Culinary Video Game Delights!
The first installment to my channel will be dedicated to..Wait for it...Fallout.
I will be making (as the subject of this topic is named) Iguana-on-a-stick! And yes..I will be using actual Iguana meat!
Expect it to be up in mid-October seeing as I'm in Japan at the moment and have to wait until I return to the good old USA. I will update this topic the second I start creating the video in hopes that someone might be looking forward to watching it.
Until then I would like to ask if there is any other Food items in the Fallout world in which you might be interested in seeing put together.
The only other thing I can add is a brief summary of what to expect Iguana-on-a-stick to taste like. So, according to the game, Iguana-on-a-stick consists of "Some charred meat and vegetables on a cooking stick."....So I've decided that it will of course be cooked on the grill, slightly charred with the meat and vegetables marinated in something or another..But I thought to myself, "In Fallout, What would Iguana-on-a-stick taste like?" I imagine with it
being covered in RADS it might give quite a burning sensation. So expect it to be a very spicy treat!
Hope you find this idea somewhat interesting and hope you look forward to viewing the video!