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  1. Gorefiend

    Science Fiction Reccomendation & Discussion Thread

    Im definitely a book guy, I can recommend a few, Some are more Post Apocalyptic than hard Scifi, I also read grimdark fantasy (GRITTY!) and zombie crap too, cant resist....lemme open my kindle here, In no particular order here are a few: Wool by Hugh Howey Cyber Storm, Mather The Contact...
  2. Gorefiend

    Some Fallout 4 Xbox mods are being stolen from the PC

    God..I really hope this burns Bethesda...I feel no ill will towards modders or legit users but I kinda felt this whole mods on console shit was really going to mess things up. I have used consoles most of my life, but I am older..I have a fucking brain and I understand what intellectual...
  3. Gorefiend

    XBone One Fallout 4 Mod Traffic Was Bigger then That Of PC

    Beth.aids is a fuckin warzone right now...I feel terrible for the mod authors amd legitimate users...but..I can help but feel a little bit of glee with the tire fire Bethesda has lit here...Im really kind of hoping they (bethesda) burn their own house down.
  4. Gorefiend

    XBone One Fallout 4 Mod Traffic Was Bigger then That Of PC

    I do have to say as someone who plays on both xbone and PC, but primarily I would be considered a console player, I hope modders stop making mods for console perhaps by requiring everything to require a script extender. Firstly to kind of fuck Bethesdas over, secondly to starve off the impudent...
  5. Gorefiend

    Shares in a U.K. oil company with interests in the Falklands have slumped

    Go ahead go to war over the islands. You will lose again...this fucking gringo knows that.
  6. Gorefiend

    Shares in a U.K. oil company with interests in the Falklands have slumped

    The British went to war with the Spanish over Buenos Aires, Argentina didn't even exist yet
  7. Gorefiend

    Should the Legion be compared to Nazi Germany?

    Im gonna say negative. Technology wise Nazi Germany, for a time was at the bleeding edge of military tech. They may have hated certain groups but they loved their scientists and advancements. Nazi Germany could have survived after Hitler as well if the war had gone different. The legion is...
  8. Gorefiend

    Poll: Which New Vegas DLC is the best?

    Never thought of it that way with the guns aspect, but I must say I agree.
  9. Gorefiend

    Poll: Which New Vegas DLC is the best?

    I really enjoyed all of them, probably Honest Hearts the most due to Grahm. He was great. I really enjoyed all of the DLC though. Im gonna probably put OWB at the bottom due to it's tone, and the implants, its just not my thing...but it's at the bottom of IMO an extremely strong group of add...
  10. Gorefiend

    Fallout 4 - Mods Now Available for Xbox One

    The reading of DragonBorns Fallout wars was brilliant. Had my wife and I laughing our asses off. In fact we -explosive artillery interrups you so you can't hear him- Damn Chinese Dragons!
  11. Gorefiend

    What is your job/occupation?

    Yea on two. He paid our wages and benefits on time on one job and on the other paid our benefits 6 months after completion. Which is the max we allow before court and penalties. Did some big jobs back east. Giants stadium, devils arena in newark, freedom tower. Got to sign the steel beam up top...
  12. Gorefiend

    Name a thing you DON'T hate in Fallout 4

    Codsworth. I don't hate codsworth. Thats about it...I dislike the design of Mr Handys, but I do enjoy their voice actor..makes me chuckle when they get violent.
  13. Gorefiend

    What do anarchists want?

    It's a fantasy invented by disillusioned chinese monks, adopted by french intellectuals, and co opted by nose ringed dirty sandal wearing punx with I-phones. It would never happen naturally or peacfully, humans and primates, hell most mammals are organized in a pecking order. There is always a...
  14. Gorefiend

    What is your job/occupation?

    Damn straight they are trying to do it with the Teamsters as well right now. All of my friends and I, after high school either joined the military, we were all 18-20 when 9-11 happened and we all lived about 5 miles outside of Manhattan, so yea..we were MAD, or joined a trade union, or at least...
  15. Gorefiend

    What is your job/occupation?

    That sucks mate. I to a lesser extent can relate, I tore my Achilles tendon at work a few years back, I was out for 6 months, and when I was healed up, there was no work for around 5 months, which is common in construction. I thought I would lose my mind. I ended up studying history...
  16. Gorefiend

    Star Wars Thread

    I grew up in the 80s and 90s so yea I love me some starwars. I took my wife, who hates SW, and most of our "nerd stuff" to the new film and she loved it, I certainly enjoyed it, though I think Kylo is a bit too much of an angsty millenial bitch. She then decided to sit down and watch the...
  17. Gorefiend

    What is your job/occupation?

    Union Carpenter formerly Local 15 in NJ. My wife and I moved to Chicago 2 years ago, now I am in Local 1. I build America damnit!
  18. Gorefiend

    The worst thing about Fallout 4

    Specifically I think its Todd Howard, who had pushed them in this direction. He isn’t really an "RPG guy"and we can see the results of what happened to Bethesdas games after he got the top spot. The mindset in the games industry is insane....take a game like Morrowind....their best selling game...
  19. Gorefiend

    Your opinion on Radiant Quest stuff

    As said above, if it was used to pad out "after credits" stuff or after you are supreme master of a faction, because you HAVE to be the supreme leader of a faction in their games, its alright I suppose. its not considering thats exactly what they did with the MM...9 minutes after you...
  20. Gorefiend

    The worst thing about Fallout 4

    I mean..the only things done alright were the gunplay and I kinda enjoy the Commonwealth itself. Everything else is pretty much shit. Yet.... The gunplay gets tiresome after you mow down raider mutant molerat #12784. The Commonwealth falls apart thanks to their NPCs and monkey with a machine...