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  1. S

    My experiments wit Anim8or, Vol.II. Your opinions and advice

    Thanks, Nova. I'm downloading wings 3d. Sadly Gmax can't be downloaded anymore, they just keep the forums... Rendering wasn't going to be a problem, both Anim8or and blender can export/import 3ds files, amongst others. Cheers.
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    How to create item(gun) with no ammo ?

    You *could* try something like this (I can guarantee no success): Spawn the weapon via script WHILE the PC is in a conversation (remember that containers CAN start a conversation, well, kinda...). Have your script do so: 1 Check if dude helds a weapon in the active slot. 2 Spawn the weapon...
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    How to create item(gun) with no ammo ?

    Sorry, but as far as I know you Fo2 engine can not spawn weapons with no ammo. Apart from shooting bullets the only thing that can unload a weapon is a critical miss... See you.
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    My experiments wit Anim8or, Vol.II. Your opinions and advice

    Update: the truck is a somewhat older model, the car a work in progress (headlights and the rear part of the body really need some trimming). For Nova: thanks for the info, mate. For The_Vault_Dweller: yeah, not much good stuff around, not from the indusry anyway... For Kahgan: I...
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    My experiments wit Anim8or, Vol.II. Your opinions and advice

    Thanks for your appreciation folks! I just worn you: now that you can see my work more in detail you'll discover some flaws... Anyway... To Nova: I checked wings3d some time ago, it seemed a pretty incomplete package to me... That's how it is considered by the guys who dwell @ Gamedev. Are you...
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    My experiments wit Anim8or, Vol.II. Your opinions and advice

    My latest achievement in 3d modeling... ...and now the the actual 2D result in a game I'm modding... :lol: Now, I have a few troubles with my tools... Anim8or is simple to use, but it's mostly a surface editor: no boolean subtractions, no nurbs and so on. In addiction to this not...
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    Searching fallout animations

    You'll find all characters/creatures frames in CRITTER.DAT in your Fo2 cd/installation folder. Unpack them with a .DAT packer/unpacker. Is your project a commercial one? I hope you DO realize there are a few troubles with copyrights and intellectual property... Until you use those graphics as...
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    An easy way?

    It depends on what you're trying to achieve. If you simply want to change WORDS in a dialogue, then you simply have to edit .MSG files. I f you want to give both the PC and NPC more dialogue options (this is the case of an original game npc giving a new custom quest, for exemple), then you'll...
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    An easy way?

    Let's suppose you want to change Klint's name: open your data/text/english folder. You'll find three folders. You need to edit data in two of them. Open the dialog folder and look for a file called acklint.msg: .MSGs files contain all dialigue, descriptions and names of critters. Open with...
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    Current EPA Project

    Hi there :D This is the kind of code I'm using. The hometile variable is used to a have the critter to wonder within a given radius thus avoiding it to wander across an entire map. If you're trimming an existing script remember to augment the local variables number in...
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    Tutorial - How To Make New FO2 Tiles

    Thanks for the info, I downloaded Maya PLE, but I hadn't the time to look into it yet. And many, MANY thanks for posting my picture :) See you soon!
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    Tutorial - How To Make New FO2 Tiles

    Hi there, Dvukomanovich! :D It has been a while! I tried to follow the instructions in your post, but without success... I only tried two free tools up now (Blender and Anim8or), but I'm always unable to get something useful out of the info I find here at NMA... For now I manage somehow...
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    Trouble making new weapons .frm's

    Hi there. If I'm correct the original .frm contain data not all tools can write/add to new images. To get your image work you should copy and paste it on a pic converted from an original .frm. I say you "should" because the resulting loss in shades and details isn't accettable... To run...
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    Hologram Scripting Problem

    Global variables are the easiest to use. You don't need to declare them in your scripts. Just add them in fallout2/data/VAULT13.gam, then use them. Are you using an ide like FSE or are you making all manually?
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    Hologram Scripting Problem

    The exemple I gave you wasn't compilable... Just an exemple. Try something like this: procedure talk_p_proc begin if (global_var(GVAR_FIND_MARTHA) == 0) then begin if (local_var(LVAR_Herebefore) == 0) then begin start_dialog_at_node(Node001);//pc/npc didn't talk before...
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    Hologram Scripting Problem

    Hi there. Short answer: via script. Long answer: 1,2,3)Pip-Boy logging: it involves 3 files. Vault13.gam: register a new global variable. notedown its name and number. quest.txt: located in blackisle/fallout2/data/data. You'll see sections concerning quests for each town. An exemple...
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    Fallout 2 Mapper

    Sorry, now I'm at a loss.. My D backup drive works like a separate HD (or so I think) and has no operating system installed. As far as the install goes I'd go for E, but do give a try to C just the same. The only other problem I'm aware of it's the mapper requiring at least 300 megs of free...
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    Even Canada hates us...

    I say: let's cool down. We've got plenty of time to vivisect the game when it's out, if it's the case. I haven't checked all the links in this thread, but Paperbackwriter sounds like a decent guy... Let's give him a chance. No apologies needed, IMHO. Cheers, folks.
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    Fallout 2 Mapper

    Hi there. Is your HD partitioned in any way? My HD is C with a D backup partition, and I had to install everything in D to have it work. Is your game copy a English/American one? If it's not then you'll have to tinker a bit with Fo2 mapper .cfg file, in order to have it read a different language...
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    Even Canada hates us...

    As a 39 years old player I can't stand Hollywood-like productions... Too much inane shiny cliches... I like the innovative Fallouty setting... Can't stand the fake middle age one anymore... As a professional in life I respect serious professionals and pay attention not to mix with those *...