My latest achievement in 3d modeling...

...and now the the actual 2D result in a game I'm modding...

Now, I have a few troubles with my tools... Anim8or is simple to use, but it's mostly a surface editor: no boolean subtractions, no nurbs and so on. In addiction to this not many tutorials around, even if it's a popular tool. Even if I haven't fully overgrown it yet, I really feel the need to find a more versatile program.
There's a free, powerful 3d editor: Blender. The problem is its interface. Learning to operate it would require at least one or two months of fighting, just to handle the interface... Not to learn how to model... I tinkered with it for a while, and no, it's not fit for beginners. On the other hand there's plenty of resources around, and it's FREE. What would you do? Squeeze Anim8or to the last drop? Take a HUGE breath and learn Blender? Find some affordable commercial product? Lightwave comes to my mind, for example: it's somewhat affordable and there's a decent quantity of resources/tutorials around. Please don't name 3dMax or Maya, they're really out of my reach...
Advices and opinions about my MS Paint-processed .FRMs are welcome.
EDIT, as usual....
Aahhrrgghh, what's the trouble with the image size? They should be much huger. The code between tags is :"" What am I doing wrong?!?
Edit, chapter 2.
I managed to turn my images into thumbnails, so now you can see them in a decent size...

...and now the the actual 2D result in a game I'm modding...

Now, I have a few troubles with my tools... Anim8or is simple to use, but it's mostly a surface editor: no boolean subtractions, no nurbs and so on. In addiction to this not many tutorials around, even if it's a popular tool. Even if I haven't fully overgrown it yet, I really feel the need to find a more versatile program.
There's a free, powerful 3d editor: Blender. The problem is its interface. Learning to operate it would require at least one or two months of fighting, just to handle the interface... Not to learn how to model... I tinkered with it for a while, and no, it's not fit for beginners. On the other hand there's plenty of resources around, and it's FREE. What would you do? Squeeze Anim8or to the last drop? Take a HUGE breath and learn Blender? Find some affordable commercial product? Lightwave comes to my mind, for example: it's somewhat affordable and there's a decent quantity of resources/tutorials around. Please don't name 3dMax or Maya, they're really out of my reach...
Advices and opinions about my MS Paint-processed .FRMs are welcome.
EDIT, as usual....
Aahhrrgghh, what's the trouble with the image size? They should be much huger. The code between tags is :"" What am I doing wrong?!?
Edit, chapter 2.
I managed to turn my images into thumbnails, so now you can see them in a decent size...