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  1. R

    Guy on blog: let's be mean to Bethesda

    It only began to sound 'stupid' very recently, when 3D character creators started to come up with facial representations like this that could compare to and look as natural as something hand-drawn like this Case in point. Deus Ex was a top notch 3D RPG back in 2000, but here's how its...
  2. R

    Strategy Informer interviews Pete Hines

    Forget it. I'm about to start beating a dead horse and it was not my initial intent.
  3. R

    Fallout 3 wins big at GameCritics

    What needs to be mentioned is that Fallout 3 lost Best Console Game, wasn't even nominated for Best PC Game (Xbox only demo, presumably), wasn't nominated for Best Action Game or Best Action/Adventure Game, and that two of the other 4 Best RPG nominees were Nintendo DS games, a port of 1991's...
  4. R

    Strategy Informer interviews Pete Hines

    My point exactly. Also, I really don't see how the concept of game immersion can be narrowed down to such a relatively unimportant thing as camera positioning. This goes the same path as the other thread where people spent pages arguing whether or not an atomic blast would damage two...
  5. R

    Strategy Informer interviews Pete Hines

    Remind me, for what did I get my first strike, again?
  6. R

    Bit-tech plays Fallout 3

    Hey, don't you touch jRPGs. Many of them have their moments and I'd take the best of Final Fantasy over <s>most</s> many cRPGs any time of day. EDIT: fixed 8-)
  7. R

    Bit-tech plays Fallout 3

    MMORPGs? Action RPGs? They should really call these for what they are, MMOGs and action games. Otherwise you end up with Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, World of Grindfest and Baldur's Gate all occupying the same genre slot. :seriouslyno:
  8. R

    Strategy Informer interviews Pete Hines

    Since I have about 10 minutes of free time left, I may as well join the booing crowd with a reply of my own. First of all, there is no such a thing as "immersive combat". The game as a whole (or at the very least its environment on a global scale) is either immersive or it is not...
  9. R

    Strategy Informer interviews Pete Hines

    Call of Duty 2 had immersive combat? I better go make another Breaking News front page...
  10. R

    Bit-tech plays Fallout 3

    There's a Game Critics Awards: Best of E3 2008 update at Gamespot. "This year, the Best of Show prize went to Fallout 3"
  11. R

    Guy on blog: let's be mean to Bethesda

    Objectivity? These are 3 randomly chosen screenshots that are more or less typical of their titles. Here are some higher res shots if you need them :? Diablo Quake II Fallout I Dungeon Keeper (1997) Age of Empires (1997)
  12. R

    Guy on blog: let's be mean to Bethesda

    ...And this is where I stopped reading the article. You could be more more selective about what rants to highlight - I mean, what good is his opinion (no matter how agreeable) if he doesn't even know a single thing about the graphical limitations of 1997? Gamespot rated Fallout's graphics...
  13. R

    New screenshots

    There are two absolutely identically-looking houses with absolutely identical holes, rips, burn marks, etc, and there is still a page long discussion on whether it looks natural or not. You may want to take another look at the picture instead of coming out with more of this BS.
  14. R

    Gamespot UK plays Fallout 3 (again)

    You mean these gigantic roaches ?
  15. R

    Fallout 3 Hands-On #14

    Whoa. Whatever indeed. It would take me an hour to make a consistent and all-including reply to this overly forgiving and certainly forgetful line of reasoning. However, when I have to begin my response by pointing out that the existence of nuclear catapults, the Megaton bomb, hundreds, if...
  16. R

    Gamespot UK plays Fallout 3 (again)

    Of course, that would make more sense. Not that it's any excuse at my current English proficiency level, but in my native language, the word "adult" has a bit more specific meaning that refers to mental and physical development and I guess I unconsciously perceived it in this sense without...
  17. R

    Gamespot UK plays Fallout 3 (again)

    I'm simply irritated that there are adult people out there who see the use of the so-called "F-word" as a sign of maturity and who think that making fire ants breathe fire is a humorous and/or witty thing to do. What can be useful about it? You tell me. I just posted my initial reaction to the...
  18. R

    Familiar console is familiar Anani Masu, if that's how your public speaking abilities look like, I wouldn't recommend it either. :wink:
  19. R

    Gamespot UK plays Fallout 3 (again)

    Fire spewing fire ants? Oh, I get it! Good stuff. Very subtle. Bravo! Oh, wait, please pardon my apparent immaturity. What I meant was Fucking bravo! :clap: