First time out of the vault

Instead of being a little pixel sliding around a satellite image of the wasteland, you actually get to walk around and explore it.
I thought that was obvious.
I thought that was obvious.
Ghostsauce said:Hehe, I really fail to see how your logic makes any sense whatsoever. You can argue that point any way you want, but it sounds to me that what you're really looking for is a good Fallout LARP, or text-based RPG. You're just not going to find that. Ever.
Ghostsauce said:It's fallout in today's graphical and processor capabilities.(Heck no they didn't have today's graphics back then, don't bother arguing that).
Oblivion + guns = Fallout. We've no reason to believe that the humor and all the other elements that made us love the first two aren't present in this.
whirlingdervish said:I'm not arguing "opinion" here and I gave you plenty of steps to handhold you through the logic.
whirlingdervish said:You effectively said F3 will be more immersive than FO just because it's in FPP.
That is untrue because FPP doesn't make any game automatically more immersive than the next.
whirlingdervish said:this line of reasoning can be arrived at by stepping through the logical breakdown and descriptions of immersion in video gaming that I have provided you.
whirlingdervish said:Perspective is, at most, only one element of immersive game design.
Without the rest of the elements all you have is a 3D mockup.
without correctly used lighting and shadows, interactivity of environments and npcs, such things as ambient noises and scripted sequences of actions performed by elements of the gameworld that act independently of the player character, you do not have an immersive gameworld.
whirlingdervish said:Now to my "opinion":
I don't believe bethesda is capable of any of these other aspects of immersive game design, and they are barely making the grade with their "next-gen" engine from 4 years ago.
You can see this by playing oblivion which I'm sure you do.
Fallout 3 isn't up to the graphical and processor abilities of todays computer hardware.
It's only up to par with some crappy consoles that are shitty little PCs stuffed into boxes that are too tight and sold to imbeciles.
My PC will rape an xbox360 in terms of resolution, FPS, and picture quality, and it's so old it doesn't have a single pci-e slot on the mobo.
Immersion's more than just perspective, bro. It's the total package. Your comparison of a flight simulator to the complete experience of a RPG - story, atmosphere, music, character development, etc. - is apples and oranges. When people around here talk about immersion, they're talking about the ability to fully immerse one's self in a fantasy world - not whether or not it's more realistic to train in a flight simulator from a first-person perspective (which it obviously is, but that's beside the point).Tyshalle said:All right, this post is for all the intellectually dysfunctional assholes out there like Per and whirlingdervish who claim that first-person perspective is no more inherently immersive than third-person, and real-time is no more naturally immersive than turn-based, due to the power of the imagination. Because, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, anyone who believes this is a fucking idiot. It's not even a matter of difference in opinion, it's a matter of you being outright, completely fucking wrong.
Which doesn't make First Person Perspective the superior perspective for enjoyment by any means, but it most certainly makes it the superior perspective in terms of immersiveness. Because regardless of how immersive you can get a third-person perspective game to be, you'll always be able to get a first person perspective game to be more immersive. That doesn't mean that there aren't really shittily made FPS's out there, and I'd certainly call Fallout 1 more immersive than say, DOOM II, but these are cases of the lesser one rising above the superior, it doesn't change anything.
Now let's get into my actual example:
Flight simulators, which the fucking military uses to train their pilots. What goddamn perspective are those in? Last time I checked, it wasn't turn-based isometric. Why the fuck not? If it's just as goddamn immersive, if it's just a matter of the power of your imagination then why the fuck do they bother with something as expensive and time consuming as first-person perspective?
Could it be that it's just more realistic to do it in first person? Could it be that in terms of actual flight simulation, simulation being the pinnacle of immersion in something that isn't actually real, first person perspective is just the naturally superior choice?
Let's take a look at another example. Is there anyone here who really feels like the combat in the original Fallout is more immersive than the combat in say, Call of Duty 2? Or America's Army? Or Battlefield 2?
Because honestly, anyone who says "Yes" is lying out their ass or has completely missed the meaning of the word "immersion."
All right, this post is for all the intellectually dysfunctional assholes out there like Per and whirlingdervish who claim that first-person perspective is no more inherently immersive than third-person, and real-time is no more naturally immersive than turn-based, due to the power of the imagination. Because, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, anyone who believes this is a fucking idiot.
becouse the point of filght simulators is, surprise, to simulate actual planes?Tyshalle said:Flight simulators, which the fucking military uses to train their pilots. What goddamn perspective are those in? Last time I checked, it wasn't turn-based isometric. Why the fuck not?
Tyshalle said:All right, this post is for all the intellectually dysfunctional assholes out there like Per and whirlingdervish who claim that first-person perspective is no more inherently immersive than third-person, and real-time is no more naturally immersive than turn-based, due to the power of the imagination. Because, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, anyone who believes this is a fucking idiot. It's not even a matter of difference in opinion, it's a matter of you being outright, completely fucking wrong.
Tyshalle said:Now let's get into my actual example:
Flight simulators, which the fucking military uses to train their pilots. What goddamn perspective are those in? Last time I checked, it wasn't turn-based isometric. Why the fuck not? If it's just as goddamn immersive, if it's just a matter of the power of your imagination then why the fuck do they bother with something as expensive and time consuming as first-person perspective?
So, combat is the only aspect of the games you can come up with to try to prove this point?Tyshalle said:Is there anyone here who really feels like the combat in the original Fallout is more immersive than the combat in say, Call of Duty 2? Or America's Army? Or Battlefield 2?
Since I have about 10 minutes of free time left, I may as well join the booing crowd with a reply of my own.Tyshalle said:Is there anyone here who really feels like the combat in the original Fallout is more immersive than the combat in say, Call of Duty 2? Or America's Army? Or Battlefield 2?