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  1. S

    What is the proper solution to Tenpenny Tower

    'Cause it seems there's only three in entire game
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    Fallout 5 Predictions

    San Francisco is possible, especially if they want to show that they've gone back to the roots of the franchise. But they've never taken on a West Coast City, so why should they start now? I can see them sticking to their "customs" and choosing yet again an East Coast city. New York, if they...
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    Let's Get Pathetic! Hottest video game characters?

    I personally really liked Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite
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    A post-apocalyptic Far Cry?

    Definetely not in my "gonna buy" list. Will probably in discount after some months if it turns out good.
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    Obsidian Announcement on 6th of December

    The creatures too, I think
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    Obsidian Announcement on 6th of December

    IMHO the old guy at the start of the trailer really looked like Rick. Edit: I was wrong, he's a mixup between Rick and the 12th doctor
  7. S

    Fallout 76 Thread of Memes...

    From what I've read on Wikipedia, he cofounded Zenimax with Christopher Weaver, founder of Bethesda, then managed to push him away out of the company. Lol. I guess you should never get in business with wolves.
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    Fallout 76

    I've followed his channel a bit, and it seems that over time he's become more disillusioned with Bethesda.
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    Which Fallout game would you be most excited about?

    I'm not a developer but I assume that crafting four different versions of the game would be very difficult. Maybe if it was like in the Witcher 3, where it's a question of secondary characters it could work.
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    Fallout 76 Nukes Lore and Releases

    I can already picture Bethesda "lending" the IP to Arkane saying that it's a whole new thing, and then it's the same shit again, only with Arkane name on it
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    Modern Fallout Wildlife

    Overall I liked the new critters introduced in 3, 4 and New Vegas, but 4 really had this problem with reskinned mobs. Can't really speak for Fallout 76, because I haven't touched the game, but some of them looked neat.
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    Fallout 76, just a cash grab we shouldn't worry about or something more sinister?

    I'm not saying Fallout 4 was good, just that we can't expect anything lower than that. And I don't believe that the next Fallout is gonna be game of the year either.
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    A Fallout Game Set in Europe

    Honestly except for China Asia seems pretty boring. Especially when you take in account Tha the main games already has things like the Caesar Legion or the Great Khans. European factions would be more of the same, just a bit more on the historical side I suppose
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    A Fallout Game Set in Europe

    Uh given the established lore I'd say that as much as it fascinates me, the exploration of post apocalyptic Europe just wouldn't work. However something like that old spin off game set in Northern Italy during the European Commonwealth's infightings could be interesting, at least in theory.
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    Fallout 76, just a cash grab we shouldn't worry about or something more sinister?

    Uhm hopefully Fallout 76 is where the Fandom has drawn the line qualitatively speaking. I expect the next Fallout to be at least at 4's level quality wise.
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    Fallout 76 Nukes Lore and Releases

    I wouldn't talk of failure yet. Brings bad luck. It's true that neither Fallout 4 nor 76 have been much of a success among the community, but they still have their brain dead fans. I assume Fallout 5 will be more on the RPG side to try to regain some favour, however it will be still a mixed big...
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    Is Fallout that special of a game to you? If so, why?

    Over the years I have played several games and I have become acquainted to different franchises. Each of them had its strong and weak points, engaging or less engaging characters, stories and combat, but noone of them was as interesting or unique as Fallout. I believe it took a great deal of...
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    Most psychopathic character in New Vegas?

    What I meant was that, as Gloria herself states, the Van Graffs can rally a small army - not enough to wage war directly on the NCR, but still telling of their strength. They're not a mere Mafia Clan, but rather a State within a State
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    Most psychopathic character in New Vegas?

    If the Van Graffs can be considered RNC at all, considering their clear hate towards the Republic