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  1. MPPlantOfficial

    her content is hard to find. all locked behind pay walls

    her content is hard to find. all locked behind pay walls
  2. MPPlantOfficial

    That was amazing when he got devoured and you thought the mangaka actually had the balls to...

    That was amazing when he got devoured and you thought the mangaka actually had the balls to shift perspective and make either of his 2 friends the protagonist but NOPE generic Anime plot armor kicks in and Hidden Powahhh Transformation surfaces at a critical time. What a surprise....
  3. MPPlantOfficial

    Jeez weren't you the guy talking about having taste in the movie thread? You watch this anime...

    Jeez weren't you the guy talking about having taste in the movie thread? You watch this anime? There are better choices out there. The pacing of this manga/anime is horrible. Main character = EVERY angry Teen Shounen protagonist with Plot Armor.
  4. MPPlantOfficial

    I'm not surprised. If the poor modders get something 1% inaccurate with their version of Van...

    I'm not surprised. If the poor modders get something 1% inaccurate with their version of Van Buren, maybe use a tile from the FO3 asset pack, the community will shit on their thread and insult them
  5. MPPlantOfficial

    Let's Get Pathetic! Hottest video game characters?

    But vidja characturz 'r' UNREALISTIC:
  6. MPPlantOfficial

    Fallout New vegas Remastered

    ^How I feel about this entire community
  7. MPPlantOfficial

    The Outer Worlds - New game RPG from Obsidian

    Key Features You can be flawed, in a good way: New to The Outer Worlds is the idea of flaws. A compelling hero is made by the flaws they carry with them. While playing The Outer Worlds, the game tracks your experience to find what you aren't particularly good at. Keep getting attacked by...
  8. MPPlantOfficial

    The Outer Worlds - New game RPG from Obsidian

    Speaking of Cree Summer, I did see kids claiming Joan Lynette was an "Ess-Jay-Dubba Feminist" completely missing the point of Vault City. But enough about 'em. Sorry to have brought up this conversation in the first place...;
  9. MPPlantOfficial

    The Outer Worlds - New game RPG from Obsidian

    You can bet your nutsack many kids already gave that assessment when she first came into the frame though To me looks more like a Bioshock pre-Civil war
  10. MPPlantOfficial

    The Outer Worlds - New game RPG from Obsidian

    *Sees the short-haired girl at the 1:02 mark *Starts bitching about Obsidian "pandurrring 2 Ess-Jay-Dubbas"
  11. MPPlantOfficial

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    Where's the info on Beth/Zenimax stocks though? You saw what happened to ActiBlizzard after the Immortal incident? It's down almost 50%
  12. MPPlantOfficial

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    Just saw this as well. Jeeeezus, Beth....
  13. MPPlantOfficial

    Post The Funniest Video You Can Think Of the title is the funniest part
  14. MPPlantOfficial

    actually good gaming review channels?

    Lol try the legendary IGN plaigiarizer's personal channel
  15. MPPlantOfficial

    actually good gaming review channels?

    I agree. Mandaloregaming is very good. CRPGs: Retrospective gaming: Nerd Commando Game Studios: Platformers and RPGmaker games: NitroRad...
  16. MPPlantOfficial


    Given the current state of gaming "journalism", Metacritic to be the only platform that is both widely recognized and relatively valued by the gaming community. It's an added bonus that the site doesn't require you to own the game to leave a review. But looking at the actual ratings, seems like...
  17. MPPlantOfficial

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    "They just can't address that problem right now 'cuz they're putting all their finances into the next project. Don't worry. They'll make up to you. The NEXT one's gonna have a limited edition _____."