Cobra Commander
Water Chip? Been There, Done That

always like Tali. She have a funny voice and she´s easy on the bottle.
Best girl.
Best girl.
Garrus is more than a fair trade.Tali was such a good character. But you couldn't romance her as a female.
Too bad they turned Ves into a harlot in The Witcher 3.
Well, in The Witcher 2 she was a character with depth. In The Witcher 3 she was only there to display her boobs. I like The Witcher 3, but I was seriously let down with what they did with Vernon Roche & Ves.BLASPHEMY!
Well, in The Witcher 2 she was a character with depth. In The Witcher 3 she was only there to display her boobs. I like The Witcher 3, but I was seriously let down with what they did with Vernon Roche & Ves.
Cover yourself up, woman! You're a fighter, not a harlot.
that's because its the superior hair style.I find short hair sexy.
I agree, though apparently some people did not: still looks great in DMC5
so what if they did? Androgyny is hot.TLDR; A female artist claims that DMC 5 Lady was made to look somewhat more masculine to be 'gender-inclusive'
Plus that artist kinda ignored the fact Lady is modelled after a real person to what if they did? Androgyny is hot.
well yeah photogmaetry or whatever the fuck its called is way cheaper than having to model everything from the gorund up. capcom has been doing that for awhile.Plus that artist kinda ignored the fact Lady is modelled after a real person to boot.
Insomniac game dev insulted that artist by calling her transphobic for her stupid opinion.
I agree, though apparently some people did not:
TLDR; A female artist claims that DMC 5 Lady was made to look somewhat more masculine to be 'gender-inclusive' (ignoring the fact that Lady in this game is modeled after a real person): The whole thing became an even bigger shitshow when an Insomniac game dev insulted that artist by calling her transphobic for her stupid opinion. In a nutshell, everyone in that whole shitshow was an idiot and I feel stupider knowing that it happened.)
Exactly. Because they are presented as individuals, sums of many more things than just their sex, religion, sexual preferences or whatever. Current inclusion reduces minorities to their single minority trait, forgetting that NOBODY is defined by a single trait. You could have a gay guy who's a manly general, with a disdain for tribalism and an approval for manifest destiny, while being Mormon but still drinking because "people aren't perfect" for example. Nobody is "just gay", or "just black" or whatever.This is also the reason I don't play games from AAA publishers anymore.
It's always the same BS talk: we need to be inclusive, we need to talk about gender, we need not to be offensive, we need to respect women, let's not forget "insert here your favorite minority or group" and etc.
How about make the game like...let's say... Fallout: New Vegas?
You don't have the gay doctor, the lesbian BoS scribe, the lesbian that always get caught and almost die, the gay military that's not open about his preferences and so on.
You have Arcade, Veronica, Cristine and Major Knight.
You know... people.![]()