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  1. Werwolf

    Pic of the day

  2. Werwolf

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Tits not big enough: 4/10
  3. Werwolf

    To the Moon and then Mars

    Probably in Moon if humies will live under ground it will be possible.
  4. Werwolf

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Hello, my name is Freakazoitt, because Freakazoid always unavailable for registering, and I like Cola. I don't like photos with ruines and gasmask humies. I'm trying to make web-based game related to Fallout universe. But now in place where I live they making some reconstruction and I don't...
  5. Werwolf

    What's Your Favorite Drink?

    caffeenee... gimme more caffeenee
  6. Werwolf

    games & mods links

    Very big collection of tools for Fallout modding! Size: 13,9Mb Archive format: .zip
  7. Werwolf

    most used weapon

    So where is magazine in hunting rifle?
  8. Werwolf

    most used weapon

    Where do bullets holds in hunting rifle???
  9. Werwolf

    How were the FO2 graphics created?

    Is it possible to get 3d models used for Fallout or it secret things?
  10. Werwolf

    how did you kill the president in fallout 2?

    I didn't want to harm him... But he has something that drops only after he die. So I injected a lot of super-stimpack's and just waitng...
  11. Werwolf

    SPECIAL System and How to make it better

    We need one skill for doctor and first aid And no one need Lucky stat Also throwing... And why in man can use small arms can't shoot propertly from LSW or laser pistol? SPECIAL system is very bad for using in online multiplayer games, it good only for single
  12. Werwolf

    post apocalyptic flicks?

  13. Werwolf

    What is your favorite perk/trait?

    Chemical Reliant/ Bloody Mess eat da Psycho und go go go farm deathclaw
  14. Werwolf

    You know you play too much Fallout when...

    When you click "Sleep XX hours" istead of really going sleep.
  15. Werwolf

    Guns n Ammo

    So what is the "Hunting Rfile" is? Where is the magazine? If in tube on upper part it can hold only 4 or 5 bullets, but must be 10.
  16. Werwolf

    Temple of Trials

    I wanna live inside Temple of Trials instead of stupid village. And why Arroyo became so wild? What happen with them?
  17. Werwolf

    Temple of Trials

    I'm sure that it was high technological building, because of some sewers, doors, etc. ps: And where is that Elder's revolver, which we can see in video?
  18. Werwolf

    Temple of Trials

    What is the Temple of Trials? Looks like old military base... But nothing inside, no weapons, no ammunitions or equipment All was stolen maybe long time ago Why Vault Dweller founded village near that Temple? Maybe some secrets could be inside?
  19. Werwolf

    F2 Weaponz Mod

    Unfortunately my celeron-500 died by BIOS patching issue. I'm waiting for mod comments
  20. Werwolf

    van buren and fife

    Van Buren is just a fake-like. Engine is uncomplete, if you have engine sources, another talking.