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    10 best games.

    ePSXe + PSX version = success. No point in bothering with the PC port anyway, and it might even look a little less ugly with the plugins properly configured (not by much though).
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    This has to be a joke, right? RIGHT?

    This is hilarious :lol:
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    If you mean Bioware's NWN (not Obsidian's NWN2), I'd recommend skipping the original campaign, since it's mostly boring. The continuity basically goes expansion 1 => expansion 2, with only one cameo from the OC which doesn't matter much anyway.
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Been playing Sacred 2 Gold edition, and surprisingly it's a damn solid game. Especially compared to the mess it was when I tried it on release. Looks good, plays smooth... Having lots of fun with it in a nutshell.
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    Tribes: Ascend

    Hmm, OK, I wonder why I never heard of it. I honestly thought it's a new franchise.
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    New Baldur's Gate Game

    Well, I'd rather it be Hasbro, they seem to be much nicer than Atari. I've been playing some DDO, and I have to say the game's been on the rise ever since they took over.
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    FO3 slo-mo now in Skyrim! Innuvashun!
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    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    Bah, in the end all this does is earn BW more money. Even if this wasn't a completely intentional troll, they're certainly making the best of it. All the free publicity now, all the DLC sales later... :roll:
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    New Baldur's Gate Game

    True, it's painful to think of all the great games that could get sequels or be modded to perfection if Atari didn't pull the the plug on them.
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    External Harddisc troubles

    If this is an external that uses a power supply (i.e. not USB for power), then a fault/short in the power supply cable could be causing the issue. Had that problem before. If all fails, taking the drive out of the enclosure is a sensible suggestion. Depending on the drive, you might not have...
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    Tribes: Ascend

    I saw some videos, looked like UT mixed with TF, is that basically what it is? Kinda like that old Fortress mod for UT99?
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    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    Bwahaha yeah, the guy's taking it like a man and liking it. XD Must be getting a good premium...
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    Recommended games?

    If you like "weaboo" games, both Ys Origin and Xanadu NEXT from Nihon Falcom got fan translation patches a few months ago, and both are excellent games.
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    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    ^ Oh wow, I didn't know that. I watched the "original ending"just now, and it made me appreciate a bit more what I considered a typical Hollywood "trash movie" after the theatre premiere.
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    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    ^ Oh cmon, Bethesda did it and got away with it, think Bioware would be different?