Mass Effect 3 discussion

Bah, in the end all this does is earn BW more money. Even if this wasn't a completely intentional troll, they're certainly making the best of it. All the free publicity now, all the DLC sales later... :roll:
Ilosar said:
You know what saddens me the most about the ending (OK, after the Normandy's utterly nonsensical crash)? It's that Bioware proved, in this very game, that they can do better in terms of player choice and options. The Genophage sub-plot has many possible resolutions, including a path where Mordin lives only available if you made some choices in ME1 and ME2, hell the decision to destroy Mealon's cure or not has a lot of consequences in this storyline, and your interactions with Wrex are different. Peace between the Quarian and Geth can be outright impossible if you didn't do the right things in ME2. They can do it, were willing to do it, and just dropped it in the end, instead we got ''lots of speculation for everyone''...

Dammit. Plus, Ray's response only possibly hints at additional content that will ''clarify'' what we got. So I imagine few things more than expanded dialog options, with maybe an epilogue if we're lucky, without any big changes. Catalyst, Relays blowing up and Normandy crash seem to be here to stay :( .

Bah. Anyway, on to my second playthrough, and well I had almost forgotten how good of a voice actor Jennifer Hale was. I mean, Mark Meer's improved a lot since ME1, but she just blows everybody else out of the water.

Most of the articles on Forbes are writen by contributors, not employees.
On the other side, most of them also discuss the economic scenario of game's industry, so they are not all out of the place.
But people need to pay attention, Bioware is in full PR damage control.

As for the game Bioware already proved in ME1 that can make good quests also. Take Noveria for example, the beginning is very good.
You can make different decisions, choose different paths and also have different conclusions for the events.
Shame that after leaving the complex to the labs you end in the old linear path, with endless elevators and only one way to do things.
The Genophage quest in ME3 is simply kick ass, one of the best in the game for the reasons you mentioned.
I also like the mission on Thessia IF - and that's a BIG IF - Javik is with you, the repercutions of the discovery are mind blowing.
Poor Liara.

Also, cutting Javik of the game was a terrible joke from Bioware, he really adds to it.
Like Frank Zappa said once, we're only in it for the money...

What makes me very angry about the end is that ME3 IS a very good game. The Citadel is now a live location and there's tons of very funny moments, like Liara meeting "her father" wich also gives you a whole Asari fleet and even some mercenaries, because Liara is too old for gainning a pony. :lol:
Sure, there's a ton of some boring fetch-quests and for players persuing a relationship with another NPC, only Liara makes sense and is good IF - and again is a BIG IF - you dated her before.
The rest of them are pure crap.
But instead discussing this we have to bear that crappy end, full of non-sense and with total lack of continuity.

And I can't play anymore with maleShep, I can't stand Meer's work. Don't get me wrong, in ME2 he improved a lot and in ME3 he's finally good, but I'm so used to Jennifer Hale's voice since ME1, that I only play with femShep.
Meer's horrible voice act really damaged the character in the first game, but Hale always delivered good.

I don't have illusions, Ray Myzuka response is Bioware doing PR damage control and at the same time putting some expectations on the fan base about a "new end".
But how the company will change it? There isn't a single explanation in the game about that god-child and we never hear anything in the entire series about 'sinthesys' (dark energy on the other hand...).

Changing the cut scenes is possible, albeit expensive, but will they re-hire the VAs, programmers and writers to make another end?
I don't think so, the best we will have is some filler dialog lines and Codex entries trying to create a sense of explanation for the decisions.
And that's it. :(
again the ending that is present now should simply be a indoctrination of shepard and the "choice" you do in the ending (A, B, C thing) will decide if the repaers had success with their plan or not. If you have success you see the "real" ending.

Not that I really know if ME3s ending is good or bad. But from what I can read here it does seem to be anticlimatic.
Crni Vuk said:
Not that I really know if ME3s ending is good or bad. But from what I can read here it does seem to be anticlimatic.

Just to put a perspective for you, it disregards most elements of the narrative as well tossin' aside the game's own conclusions and decisions.

You are being polite calling it anticlimatic.
Anticlimatic is indeed but one of the very many flaws.

Cites pretty much every single illogical thing. It's a very long list. And they miss at least 1 thing by my count.

Also, ME3 twitter feed apparently confirms that they are at work to clarify the endings and give closure, more details in April (read; PAX). So, as I suspected, no big changes on the horizon, no alternate ending.

If they actually charge this, I won't know what to say. They are not doing new content, simply fixing their broken endings. It's the equivalent of a patch.
Ilosar said:
Anticlimatic is indeed but one of the very many flaws.

Cites pretty much every single illogical thing. It's a very long list. And they miss at least 1 thing by my count.

Also, ME3 twitter feed apparently confirms that they are at work to clarify the endings and give closure, more details in April (read; PAX). So, as I suspected, no big changes on the horizon, no alternate ending.

If they actually charge this, I won't know what to say. They are not doing new content, simply fixing their broken endings. It's the equivalent of a patch.

There are some things on the document that appears to be geek nerd rage, contrary to the statement, but other things are trully well spotted.

If the Citadel belongs to the god-child, why he doesn't stoped Shepard on the first episode?
His "solution" therefore would have worked. :roll:

I notice this the first time I played.[/spoiler:edb0a18d08]

If they patch the ending and make them at least believable I don't have nothing against.
After all ME1 and ME2 are full of decisions that no matter what path you choose lead them to same conclusion.
But the games also are very competent into letting the player think he acomplished a unique decision, rather than the only single one available.

Is fantasy and fiction, right?

But as I said I have no illusions, for doing something this magnitude they will have the redo the endings and that's something Bioware seems not wanting to.
They are screwed for the moment, I can tell you that.

How they will sell DLC if the game's end is broken or didn't appeal to A LOT of players?
To grab up Mikael Grizlyes ridicolous attempts on the page before: so I am a "hypocrite" because I don't give a fuck about a story or an ending that I never really gave a fuck before? Because I played to the end of a ridicolous B-Movie experience and never expected otherwise, because I wasn't as deluded as others and knew that BioWare is a shitty developer and would never deliver "true C&C" like promised, even though we have already seen the same company fail numerous times in the past? :lol:

Ok, then give me your prestigeous title if it makes you feel better.
I still can't help the feeling that this bad ending biz was intentional and intentionally created to give the people a better ending for a price. Not only do you get to sell extra content, but all those Biowhores out there feel happy that their voices where heard, thus restoring some faith in a company that is obviously using them.
I still can't help the feeling that this bad ending biz was intentional and intentionally created to give the people a better ending for a price. Not only do you get to sell extra content, but all those Biowhores out there feel chappy that their voices where heard, thus restoring some faith in a company that is obviously using them.

I doubt it. Leaked developper notes and interviews state that they took some time to find the ending, and settled on one that acheived ''speculation'' and pseudo-philosophical themes in the end. Plus, so far they are not doing a ''true'' ending DLC' just clarifications and closure. So, added text and audio, not new cutscnenes, dialog choices, ect. So not worth any $ imo.

That being said

I can still remember the cringe that moved trough the internet when it was announced that Bioware was bought by EA. Oh well ...

And already back then it was said, no no nothing will change! Bioware will stay independent.

I would not be surprised if the same what happened to Maxis and Westwood will happen to Bioware at some point.
ah yes. C&C. And the next you come up with is the claim that they made great sequels.

Also when have you seen the last SimCity game? THat was literally years ago.
only sometimes? I am improving! :mrgreen:

No ... I am just not sure if you defend or attack EA with your post. Because honestly ... C&C? You can pretty much throw anything down the toilet which came after C&C3. So are you satisfied with the C&C games we see today?

Now I don't know if that was entirely the fault of EA. But many of the people responsible for C&C have left Westwood. So much for sure.
I'm watching this now, I thought some of you might find it interesting:

Smudboy has good points sometimes, but he listens to himself talking way too much. One second he asks why don't the Reapers nuke the planet from orbit, the next he complains that the Reapers are descending on Earth, saying they don't target military installations. Uh, they just blew up the building a couple of admirals were in. Later they blow up a Cruiser and the shuttles evacuating refugees. Nukes are obviously out of the question as 1) as he himself points out, they want humans alive for harvesting and 2) because they are supposed to leave no traces of their passage. Giant nuke craters have a pretty big chance of being discovered and making future races go WTF.
Ilosar said:
One second he asks why don't the Reapers nuke the planet from orbit, the next he complains that the Reapers are descending on Earth, saying they don't target military installations. Uh, they just blew up the building a couple of admirals were in. Later they blow up a Cruiser and the shuttles evacuating refugees.
He's pointing out the inconsistency, if you are a new player you are told they want to destroy life so why don't they do it more efficiently? Though if you've played ME2 you know they harvest people, so why don't they take out Earth's defenses (and no a room full of admirals that don't know the arse from their elbows doesn't count) like orbital defenses, satellites and the fleet and ground defenses like the AA guns on Virmire and Horizon. Then release seaker swarms and harvest everyone without all the wanton destruction.
Seeker Swarms were Collector tech, and used on a small colony. Earth is kinda bigger, not to mention them puny fleshbags managed to counter them before. And they do take out all defenses above Earth, look at all the debris that's why they can now go after the civilians, flush them out of the buildings, destroy transportation systems ect. We are told this shortly after. He just seems extremely selective in his disbelief.

I do agree that a new player will just be overwhelmed by all the info. But if they start a story-based trilogy at 3, they deserve to be lost, imo. All hat drivel about the thid game being a good place to start is pure marketing and doesn't translate into the game at all.

Not to say the intro is not rushed and kinda nonsensical. It would certainly be the worst part of the game if not for the ending. But let's not pull plot holes out of thin air.