Surf Solar
So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

So much drama. 

Ilosar said:You know what saddens me the most about the ending (OK, after the Normandy's utterly nonsensical crash)? It's that Bioware proved, in this very game, that they can do better in terms of player choice and options. The Genophage sub-plot has many possible resolutions, including a path where Mordin lives only available if you made some choices in ME1 and ME2, hell the decision to destroy Mealon's cure or not has a lot of consequences in this storyline, and your interactions with Wrex are different. Peace between the Quarian and Geth can be outright impossible if you didn't do the right things in ME2. They can do it, were willing to do it, and just dropped it in the end, instead we got ''lots of speculation for everyone''...
Dammit. Plus, Ray's response only possibly hints at additional content that will ''clarify'' what we got. So I imagine few things more than expanded dialog options, with maybe an epilogue if we're lucky, without any big changes. Catalyst, Relays blowing up and Normandy crash seem to be here to stay.
Bah. Anyway, on to my second playthrough, and well I had almost forgotten how good of a voice actor Jennifer Hale was. I mean, Mark Meer's improved a lot since ME1, but she just blows everybody else out of the water.
Crni Vuk said:Not that I really know if ME3s ending is good or bad. But from what I can read here it does seem to be anticlimatic.
Ilosar said:Anticlimatic is indeed but one of the very many flaws.
Cites pretty much every single illogical thing. It's a very long list. And they miss at least 1 thing by my count.
Also, ME3 twitter feed apparently confirms that they are at work to clarify the endings and give closure, more details in April (read; PAX). So, as I suspected, no big changes on the horizon, no alternate ending.
If they actually charge this, I won't know what to say. They are not doing new content, simply fixing their broken endings. It's the equivalent of a patch.
I still can't help the feeling that this bad ending biz was intentional and intentionally created to give the people a better ending for a price. Not only do you get to sell extra content, but all those Biowhores out there feel chappy that their voices where heard, thus restoring some faith in a company that is obviously using them.
He's pointing out the inconsistency, if you are a new player you are told they want to destroy life so why don't they do it more efficiently? Though if you've played ME2 you know they harvest people, so why don't they take out Earth's defenses (and no a room full of admirals that don't know the arse from their elbows doesn't count) like orbital defenses, satellites and the fleet and ground defenses like the AA guns on Virmire and Horizon. Then release seaker swarms and harvest everyone without all the wanton destruction.Ilosar said:One second he asks why don't the Reapers nuke the planet from orbit, the next he complains that the Reapers are descending on Earth, saying they don't target military installations. Uh, they just blew up the building a couple of admirals were in. Later they blow up a Cruiser and the shuttles evacuating refugees.